Moving up to a 64 system... Worth it?


Apr 10, 2004
I am wondering if getting a socket 754 processor (probably the 3000+) for ocing would be a good idea? I hear those overclock very nice and all. And if you get one of those, what is the best mobo for it? Any suggestions? Would it be better to buy a socket 939? Thank you.
The only reason I got a 64 was because I worked at Best Buy and got the 200 dollar deal. Other than If you got cash to burn sure do it, but I would get the 939.
id say if he had cash to burn get a 939, otherwise get a 754. the 939 adds 200 bucks to the overall price. also, the 3000+ has regularly overclocked to 2.4-5 gh( giving performance of the equivelent of a theoretical 3600+ system). but the important part is geting a good mobo. it HAS to be a k8t800 pro or nforce3 250
Well the system I have now plays doom 3 great... (i guess you could call doom 3 a stress test for comptures now) but I just have extra money to burn and was just looking into my options. Are the newer 939's unlocked cpus?
Keep your mobile, you don't need a new CPU with that thing clocked so high.

Buy a new graphics card instead. If you do the research you'll find out you'll get a MUCH bigger performance increase by getting a new graphics card. If you look at the DooM3 benches the difference between a FX-53 and a 3200+ with a 6800GT is 1fps average.

Buy a 6800 GT for DooM, you'll get the biggest performance increase by doing that. I've looked into the same thing and came to that conclusion.

Take a look and analyze the DooM 3 benchmarks on this site.
430-50 right now due to demand, msrp's are around 400(well see that in about a month). its another 100 bucks over a a64 upgrade though...
You have to come to this decision, do you want to spend a TINY bit extra(most likely the same amount of money) for quite possibly double the framerate or spend a little bit less for a 1-2fps boost. The benchmarks don't lie.

Order a 6800GT from, they sell the GTs for $410 and they ship on Thursday.
I always though the x800 PEs would do better than the 6800GTs. But i know the x800's are mighty expensive.
If you see the benchmarks the 6800GT matches the x800 in dx9 performance and dominates it in OpenGL performance.

Do a google search for 6800 GT benchmark and you'll be able to make the decision whether you want a x800 or 6800. A CPU isn't worth it however, especially for DooM 3.
Well right now i get 20k on my current rig... what do you think i would get with a x800 or a 6800GT?
3D Mark 2001SE is a CPU/memory limited benchmark, it has NO relevance to today's games. It is pretty meaningless in determining game performance nowadays, in 2001 the most graphicly intensive game was Max Payne...

You want to gauge your gaming performance on 3dMark 2003 v340. Run that and tell us your score.
With my setup i get about 7k 3d marks in 03. What do you think i could pull with a new x800 or something like that.
The x800 Pro isn't as fast as the 6800GT, if you go with a new graphics card 90% of the people here will reccommend a GT. Especially if you are going to play DooM 3...

With a 2.65ghz Barton you may see a 11-11.5k score, and DooM 3 will run much faster. If you can drop your multiplier and get your FSB to 215mhz at least you will see a small boost too as at that speed your CPU is bottlenecked by memory throughput.
I have kinda a problem getting my FSB high. I did the l12 mod trick and it works (it sees my FSB as 166) but I dont know what kind of ram timings i should have at those speeds. If i got it to 225 do you think my ram could handle timings of 11-4-4-3? and voltage of like 2.8?
Your RAM should be able to do 215mhz at 2-3-3-11 timings with 2.8v. Make sure your CPU voltages are high enough.

Right now I am running Prime95 with 11.5x217(2498mhz), CPU voltage set to 1.85 in BIOS. My memory is at 2-3-3-11 at the moment with 2.9v, but I *think* I have BH-5 so I'm as good as gold. Its been running 30 mins so far, I ran the settings in my sig for 8 and a half hours so I consider it stable, I'll be running my new settings for 9.5 hours and pray for the best.
Is there a big diff between the 6800 ultra and the 6800 gt? would there be a good reason to go with the ultra?
Many people get nice OCs with the GT, but if you want power right out of the box the Ultra is your answer but you need AT LEAST a 480w PSU. But there isn't a huge difference, in DooM 3 there is an 8 minimum fps difference at 1600x1200 with 8xAF.

It won't matter for me as I am going to play it at 1280x960 with 2xAF.
Bop said:
Many people get nice OCs with the GT, but if you want power right out of the box the Ultra is your answer but you need AT LEAST a 480w PSU. But there isn't a huge difference, in DooM 3 there is an 8 minimum fps difference at 1600x1200 with 8xAF.

It won't matter for me as I am going to play it at 1280x960 with 2xAF.

you got me kinda worried here. i have a antec true 430 on the whay w/ my leadtek a400 gt tdf(6800 gt), and im hopeing to get a good overclock. are you shoure about that 480 number?
For the Ultra the minimum is 480W, for the GT the minimum is 300W.
i think its 350. anywhay, the true 430 is a good psu(good rails, clean power), so will the lack of 50 watts hinder my oc?
On your 2200+ system the 50w difference won't make a difference, on an Athlon 64 that is a MAYBE.

215mhz FSB is difficult to attain with a mobile Barton at 2.3ghz+. Its a little strange, lowering my voltage makes Prime last longer on my system and it isn't overheating. Set your mem to 2.7-2.8v and your CPU to 1.825v and give it a run. Corsair memory should be able to handle that.
one of the major reasons that ati cards are not handling doom3 benchmarks well is that ati has not done any real updates of their openGL drivers in almost a year. watch that change shortly.
Bop said:
On your 2200+ system the 50w difference won't make a difference, on an Athlon 64 that is a MAYBE.

215mhz FSB is difficult to attain with a mobile Barton at 2.3ghz+. Its a little strange, lowering my voltage makes Prime last longer on my system and it isn't overheating. Set your mem to 2.7-2.8v and your CPU to 1.825v and give it a run. Corsair memory should be able to handle that.

im not useing it in my xp rig, im going to use it in my 64 rig(sig)
I think you'll be fine with that PSU, just don't OC the card too much.

BTW an 11 timing is a anomaly with nForce 2 boards, it is faster than 5. Read up on it and you'll see.
You could get Ultra speeds out of it, I've heard of people running the actual Ultra with a lesser PSU and being able to squeak by.

Just be careful if you decide to install the Ultra BIOS, it ups the voltage on the card.