Most Teens See Internet Porn…On Accident

Ah, I remember when I first saw my first naked picture of a woman naked. Ironically, it was when I was looking for pictures on the computer that I scanned and I thought it was in my brother's folder.
I can honestly say that I saw my first porn images by accident. A friend and I were looking at (Now WWE). We clicked on a add selling provocative tee shirts, and eventually ended up at some porn site. We were 10-11 at the time, man did we ever get in shit for that one. lol Awesome computer though, Intel 486/Windows 3.1. Played Wolfeinstien 3D like no ones business.
I accidentally found porn once....when I was cleaning my (now) mother-in-law's machine (I was 17 or 18 at the time). That was kinda' awkward at that time :D
One thing I've learned from porn is this:

If its consensual and somewhat classy im sure its not a problem, but when its a crackhead with sores all over her child abuse victim getting double a**l by 2 large men for 35 mins that are smacking her in the face degrading her then after shes doen basically getting gang raped she can go buy her coke to get rid of the pain...yea that stuff not cool.

I wouldnt want my kid watching that stuff, which more than not is the type of classless porn you get for free on the internet.

No it isn't, not even close
They are smarter than we are. They deliberately know what type of porn they are searching for.

What? Don't put that pussy on a pedestal. Dumbest people I have met have all been girls.

Hit the dating scene and you will know what I am talking about.

Or maybe you are lucky and run into no dumb girls?
It's legit, I've been to sites that have porn ads when it's not even a porn site.
Here I go sounding like my dad...

Back when I was a teenager and the internet didn't exist, teenage boys used to wait till their parents left them home alone and then go digging through dad's closet looking for Penthouse mags, risking a beating if they were caught (no pun intended. maybe.) or they had to scrape together a few bucks and convince an older brother to buy them porn mags, then deal with hiding them someplace their mom wouldn't find it.

So now that porn is free, easy to hide and takes 5 seconds to find any time of the day or night, teenagers only find it accidentally? Riiiiiiiiiiiiight. I need to start writing grant proposals for some "research" projects like this. Free money here I come.
"Accidental" pr0n discovery is actually somewhat, slightly plausible. I did a perfectly innocent Google search for "ubuntu logo" one day (for producing LUG-ready CD media) and one of the first results was a NSFW preview of three ladies doing their own interpretation of the Ubuntu logo. I bet you could still get the same result even now, but I'm not going to check that on a company computer. :p

Still, I expect the vast majority of the pr0n discovery was not accidental. I used to be a teenager once too, after all.

Actually, though, I'm thinking of this, and the sponsorship of the study, in light of the Australian government's ill-advised internet filtering plans. Yup, I'm sure the survey/poll questions weren't leading at all. :rolleyes:

Right on!!!
What? Don't put that pussy on a pedestal. Dumbest people I have met have all been girls.

Hit the dating scene and you will know what I am talking about.

Or maybe you are lucky and run into no dumb girls?
Take a Look at A Hard Day's Night movie. The first law of the Universe is that Women are crazy, not dumb. And that movie is a perfect example as the Beatles were an excuse for the women to go INSANE. They might be dumb in one sense but they still have their instincts.
Take a Look at A Hard Day's Night movie. The first law of the Universe is that Women are crazy, not dumb. And that movie is a perfect example as the Beatles were an excuse for the women to go INSANE. They might be dumb in one sense but they still have their instincts.

The college girls I hang with agree with my statement. ;)

Trust me its not instinct, its emotional response rather than a logical response. Women are more prone to it but its a simple generality as many, many girls don't operate that way. But most of them do.

My Girlfriend of 5 years is a logical pragmatist which is very rare. Also she builds computers with me. Again its rare to find a hot girl thats really smart but they are out there. I admit I had to snag her up back when she was just turning 16 but hey, she didn't complain. :D
It was kind of hard for me to claim that I found porn by accident when my mom found that I had written down all the websites I liked on a piece of paper and had several pages of search words to try out on Altavista which was what people were using in 1998. Also it was before I knew how to cover my tracks so there was a huge list of sites I had visited that could be found in history.

Internet changed everything. Before that I was desperately looking through clothing post order catalogues for the bikini or bra section and then one day when I was 12 we got the internet and it was like living on finding soda cans in trash bags to being a millionaire.
Please do not read this if you are easily offended. You have been warned.

Without addressing legality or lack thereof and definitely without advocating or condoning any kind of pedophilia the idea that porn in the hands of minors causes harm needs to be proven, or it can be dismissed as an emotional response.

When something is practiced or engaged in by the majority of a given population, it becomes normal. Based off of that, it sounds like viewing porn by those below 18 has become normal if it wasn't already. Past a certain age they certainly have a sex drive and there is a large amount of data out there that suggests regular masturbation is a healthy practice. What exactly is the harm?

The old suggestion was that it turned males into ravenous rapist beasts, but the data actually suggests the contrary (that it makes men less aggressive) and since the majority of females according to this study admit to doing it as well, that can be almost entirely dismissed.

The newer suggestions tend to deal with creating a distorted view of sexuality or women, this one may well hold more water but I haven't seen any actual scientific studies that address it. Additionally, you also have to ask whether or not this particular harm is unique to pornography and how much harm it causes. Off the top of my head it would seem to me that similar harm could be caused by the attention paid towards celebrities.

Going even more into detail, then you would need to check whether there is any sort of correlation and/or causation between the popularity of pornography and the idealized view of beauty as shown by celebrities. Does either cause the other, how do you stop it, can you even stop it, what are the possible downsides of any changes you would make?

It's a huge mess (no pun intended) and that's why they're taking the easy way out and warning about the "harm" of unmonitored/unfiltered internet access to children (not to the computers, that is undeniable). That doesn't make it at all correct though.
It was kind of hard for me to claim that I found porn by accident when my mom found that I had written down all the websites I liked on a piece of paper and had several pages of search words to try out on Altavista which was what people were using in 1998. Also it was before I knew how to cover my tracks so there was a huge list of sites I had visited that could be found in history.

Internet changed everything. Before that I was desperately looking through clothing post order catalogues for the bikini or bra section and then one day when I was 12 we got the internet and it was like living on finding soda cans in trash bags to being a millionaire.

I totally agree. :D
I was doing a study on the effects of above average temperature levels and it's effects on teenagers. You can imagine my surprise when I typed into google "Hot teens".
Sure, the first time is accidental. Every other time is on purpose when they realize how easy it is to find in the first place. :D
I was doing my research paper on the history of high school cheer-leading. So I went to Google and typed "Teen girls having fun in short skirts".
If its consensual and somewhat classy im sure its not a problem, but when its a crackhead with sores all over her child abuse victim getting double a**l by 2 large men for 35 mins that are smacking her in the face degrading her then after shes doen basically getting gang raped she can go buy her coke to get rid of the pain...yea that stuff not cool.

I wouldnt want my kid watching that stuff, which more than not is the type of classless porn you get for free on the internet.

Let me guess, you stumbled across it? XD
Its very possible to stumble upon porn pictures while using Google Image searching for non-pornographic related stuff, like celebrities, even cartoon characters (try Kim Possible :p)

But of course it still requires the user to intentionally turn off Safe Search setting. Then again, some argues that they wants to get all possible result and so they turn off any result filter

Still, to say that majority of them stumbles upon them by accident is BS
Please do not read this if you are easily offended. You have been warned.

Without addressing legality or lack thereof and definitely without advocating or condoning any kind of pedophilia the idea that porn in the hands of minors causes harm needs to be proven, or it can be dismissed as an emotional response.

When something is practiced or engaged in by the majority of a given population, it becomes normal. Based off of that, it sounds like viewing porn by those below 18 has become normal if it wasn't already. Past a certain age they certainly have a sex drive and there is a large amount of data out there that suggests regular masturbation is a healthy practice. What exactly is the harm?

The old suggestion was that it turned males into ravenous rapist beasts, but the data actually suggests the contrary (that it makes men less aggressive) and since the majority of females according to this study admit to doing it as well, that can be almost entirely dismissed.

The newer suggestions tend to deal with creating a distorted view of sexuality or women, this one may well hold more water but I haven't seen any actual scientific studies that address it. Additionally, you also have to ask whether or not this particular harm is unique to pornography and how much harm it causes. Off the top of my head it would seem to me that similar harm could be caused by the attention paid towards celebrities.

Going even more into detail, then you would need to check whether there is any sort of correlation and/or causation between the popularity of pornography and the idealized view of beauty as shown by celebrities. Does either cause the other, how do you stop it, can you even stop it, what are the possible downsides of any changes you would make?

It's a huge mess (no pun intended) and that's why they're taking the easy way out and warning about the "harm" of unmonitored/unfiltered internet access to children (not to the computers, that is undeniable). That doesn't make it at all correct though.

You missed to develop your 1st point. If you see porn/masturbate causing an orgasm you diminish your sexual drive. This brings as a consequence that you don't feel so much need to interact with real women. Hence causing to lessen your chances of reproducing. Not to mention the loss of energy/drive in many other aspects. Why do you think top athletes are forbidden from sex before a game?
The college girls I hang with agree with my statement. ;)

Trust me its not instinct, its emotional response rather than a logical response. Women are more prone to it but its a simple generality as many, many girls don't operate that way. But most of them do.

My Girlfriend of 5 years is a logical pragmatist which is very rare. Also she builds computers with me. Again its rare to find a hot girl thats really smart but they are out there. I admit I had to snag her up back when she was just turning 16 but hey, she didn't complain. :D

Umm I hung with enough college girls from many different careers. That doesn't changes anything. When I said Instinct the emotional response you talked is exactly what I was referring to. But believe me your girlfriend being a logical pragmatist and all will still have the same emotional response if triggered correctly. Having a Brain doesn't takes away the emotional responses. On the contrary it only makes it more interesting. Once you learn this you understand how predictable human behavior actually is.
Way back in my first taste of "accidental porn". Sitting around with the wife and kids watching some show about government...decided to go look something up about the is NOT a good place to go if the kiddies are looking! LOL (well back then it wasn't)
so they'll masturbate instead, which generally makes people angry?

If it makes you angry, you are doing it wrong.

@Enduring Warrior: being logical makes you more intelligent because without letting your emotion cloud your judgement you are able to analyze a situation without as much illogical things in your way. Humans are illogical enough innately.
You missed to develop your 1st point. If you see porn/masturbate causing an orgasm you diminish your sexual drive. This brings as a consequence that you don't feel so much need to interact with real women. Hence causing to lessen your chances of reproducing. Not to mention the loss of energy/drive in many other aspects. Why do you think top athletes are forbidden from sex before a game?

Your post contains a lot of assertions, but not much in the way of facts. While it could reduce the need to interact with real women, it could also simply make them less on edge when they do so and since the majority are doing it, how does this disadvantage you amongst your peers either way?

You'll also need to find me something in the way of proof for your assertion about loss of energy/drive. Professional athletes are notoriously superstitious and since it is well-known that sex and orgasm releases hormones that (at least for males) relax you, it may well just be a popular myth.
lol. yah.. that's sounds about right. Paper eating dogs and quiz flu are big down under.

when I read this, I read "paper eating dogs" and thought you meant that the paper was eating dogs and lolled.

and I hate to break it to the survey takers.. but I'm sure the other 16% of boys lied. I'd say every 16-18 yr old male now days has browsed porn on the internet.

It wouldn't be a big deal if parents would educate their children about sex. Its treated as such a bad thing so naturally children are going to be interested and curious.