Morrowind VS Oblivion, got some questions


Jul 13, 2003
I'm looking to buy either Morrowind or Oblivion. I'm new to these games and I'm not sure which one to get. I can get Morrowind with the expansions for $20 or Oblivion for $50.

Which would be my better bet, buy Morrowind and see if I like how the games are and not feel so bad if I dont like it? I'd hate to spend $50 and have it turn out I dont care for it.

I did some searching and didnt find anything on a comparison between these 2 games for newbs.

Thanks for any help.

(my system is enough to handle Oblivion, so thats not a problem)
I say go for the Morrowind just becasue of the price. I have had morrowind for secvral years now and play it regularly. I have about 20 mods installed for it also. Oblivion is a good game also but I'll pass for 50 bucks.
I would go for Oblivion purely because everyone will be modding for it and the graphics. :)
Have you played NWN? If so and you liked it then you'll love Oblivion.
Don't use your experience with Morrowind/Oblivion as a factor in deciding whether or not to buy Morrowind/Oblivion. They are VERY different games.

So far, I'm enjoying Morrowind more, I've been playing it a lot lately. We'll see what happens in a few months when we've got some patches and gameplay-enhancing mods for Oblivion.
I have never played NWN, Marrowind, Oblivion. Played tons of Diablo and Diablo 2.

Mainly looking for something new to give a shot.
dj_2004 said:
I would go for Oblivion purely because everyone will be modding for it and the graphics. :)
Have you played NWN? If so and you liked it then you'll love Oblivion.
Not true on the NWN. I've played, and liked NWN, and I don't really care for Oblivion.
braamer said:
Not true on the NWN. I've played, and liked NWN, and I don't really care for Oblivion.

Oh well let me change that..."Have you played NWN? If so and you liked it then you MAY love Oblivion." :)
NWN was a lot better than Oblivion. Oblivion is more action-oriented with less depth, though it does do a few things that other RPGs don't.
Hmmm, didnt know I should have made this a poll thread.

Choose one, which is "better"

Oblivion (Newest, seems to be all the rage, $50 is a little more than I want to spend)
Morrowind ($20 with included expansions is a nice price point)
NWN (dont know much about this one)
I would go with morrowind if I were in that position. IMO a far greater game when compared to Oblivion. Ive put in roughly 50 hours now into oblivion and i can safely say im done. Ive beaten the thieves guild and mages guild and have no interest in others since its just more of the same. I have also explored around 60 caves, shrines, everything off of the main cities. And whats worse is i didnt even enjoy most of the exploring. I think what kept me going was the hope that new rare items would appear like they did in Morrowind, sadly they did not. Everything you find in one cave will turn up again in some other cave. Also the time and effort put into this game is down right shit. Everything in this game looks the same. Once you have explored 2 of each of the forts or caves you have seen them all, random generators at work. In Morrowind everything looks different and is just a much better experience. Hope this helps.
I loved Morrowind and so far really like Oblivion. We'll see what i say when i get farther in though!
They are 3 completly diffrent games!

Morrowind is a FPS/RPG that you are completly free to do what you want. Not very orginzed and a PITA to find stuff at times. Fun game overall thou.

Oblivion is a FPS/RPG as well, not quite as "free" as morrowind, but more orginized. A much easier game than Morrowind, in terms of doing quests etc.

NWN is a Dungeons and Dragons game. It is based off the 3rd edition D&D rules and is turned based. It is a TRUE RPG. It has a great storyline and quests are simple.

If you've only played diablo, i'd suggest Oblivion as it is more of a Hack 'n Slash game that you can get where you want to go easily. You will spend alot of time doing nothing in Morrowind which you may or may not like. NWN is a RPG, based off that you may not like it because it is completly diffrent than Diablo. I played NWN online for the longest time, now that i'm back home with my parents, i only have dial-up.

Hope this helps, just really depends on what type of game you are looking for. They are all great games overall, i'd just say they cater to diffrent styles and people.
I've played both Morrowind and Oblivion and I like Oblivion a LOT better. Better graphics, better quest menus, more engaging, more face-paced, and more interactive (in terms of voiced dialogue and artistic presentation).
its kinda hard to say, because morrowind is almost like the stepping stone to oblivion, you do not have to play morrowind to enjoy oblivion, but it seems for many that it was difficult to get into oblivion without having any background on how morrowind played.
its almost like you have to gain a few levels and do a few quest before you can realize how addicting these game are.
NWN is by FAR the best true RPG that's been on PC in years. It still has an enormous community.

Oblivion>Morrowind IMO.
Buy Morrowind first for the price.
By the time your done with it the price on Oblivion will have come down.

Looks like I might go the Morrowind route and see how I like that one.

Thanks for the info.
Yea, Morrowind also has alot of mods, I would download at least these select mods.

1)Better Bodies
2)Better Heads
3)Texture replacers and quarls texture enhancers
This is what I'm guessing (could be wrong). You don't want to spend $50 for Oblivion, seems like you don't have the beast of a computer to take on the full effect of Oblivion.
System I have is a 146 Opteron @ 2.4Ghz, 7800GT and 1.5 gigs of ram (took forever saving up for it but its all up and running now).

Just looking for a game thats fun, has a lot of gameplay value and is worth the $$$. I only have dialup so any MMORPG is out of the question, gotta be offline single player.
Ok, I was quite wrong there! You can play 1024x768 on pretty much max with a 7800GT. I'd get Oblivion tbh, it's a sweet game.. and the graphics are :drool:. Plus, I'd bet you could sell it if you don't like it, since no CD key or anything.
Yeah, same problem here. :p

I'm going to wait a while though before installing too many mods. Wait until the first patch is released, see what happens in the modding scene.
It depends on if you are a graphics whore or not. If you play Morrowind I can see you getting turned off to it and then not playing Oblivion, which would be a crime.

If graphics are important to you play oblivion first, then try morrowind, as it is more in depth and some aspects of it are better. Overall I enjoyed both of them about the same.
Big downside to 'Morrowind' is the movement system. Feels like your character is "on rails" when moving, and FREQUENTLY get 'stuck' on terrain, tables, chairs, etc (you can move around them, it's just annoying when moving through a room and *bam*, hit an invisible wall all of a sudden).
I say Morrowind and Oblivion is very much the same. I do find Oblivion way easier though with a totally useless compass and fast travel function. But other than that if you like Morrowind you like Oblivion probably.

Morrowind is already modded to hell so don´t buy oblivion because of mods they are already there for Morrowind. Get Morrowind now and then Oblivion.