Monster Hunter: World to Receive a 40GB High Resolution Texture Pack DLC


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Capcom has announced Monster Hunter: World will receive a 40GB High Resolution Texture Pack DLC. The High Resolution Texture Pack will require 8GB of graphics memory (VRAM) and is free. Earlier this month, Capcom acknowledged that the PC is the 2nd most popular platform for Monster Hunter: World. Capcom's spokesperson was happy that the PC version of the game had broadened its appeal to users in Europe. Capcom has more expansions and content coming for the action game.

"We have announced Monster Hunter World Iceborne and will have more news to share in the future. Given the success of Monster Hunter World, it will be a key project for us," he said. "There is also more to come that I'm not allowed to discuss yet, if you want another interview with me on behalf of Capcom in the future."
sheesh the game already beats up a vega64 at 4k.. HD texture pack will probably murder. 2080 and above would probably be the requirement to enjoy this in glorious 4k.
Game already looked awesome, will these textures magically add Ray tracing or something??? D:
Game already looked awesome, will these textures magically add Ray tracing or something??? D:

Have you looked at some of the textures closely? In 2k and 4k alot of textures look like crap.

Can't wait the, that was my biggest graphical gripe with the game.
Capcom has really been making an effort to enhance the PC version of MHW after seeing how well it has sold on the platform.
I'd take just the player textures. That would be one less crucial mod to use.
Honestly, no. Namely because I've watched the game over other ppl's shoulders ;P at LANs


Have you looked at some of the textures closely? In 2k and 4k alot of textures look like crap.

Can't wait the, that was my biggest graphical gripe with the game.
I've tried this game. The monster battles utterly suck. The controls are clunky af. Maybe this texture pack will make the visuals digestible a bit. The game induces mental torture. Such a shit game. But I got it bundled for free so I'm not complaining as bad as I should.
RIP 3/4/6 GB RAM video card users. :blackeye::p
Exactly, and it was like this as well for the Fallout 4 HD texture pack - running out of VRAM massively hurt performance on a GTX 980 Ti with "only" 6GB of VRAM.
I've tried this game. The monster battles utterly suck. The controls are clunky af. Maybe this texture pack will make the visuals digestible a bit. The game induces mental torture. Such a shit game. But I got it bundled for free so I'm not complaining as bad as I should.

No, this just means that the game isn't for you. Monster Hunter and Soulsborne games are games in which every move has weight behind it and thus combat takes a bit more to get used to than for example devil may cry or God of War, neither type of games are bad just that they have different philosophies.

To resume these are slower games that are based on learning the enemies and your weapons more than on stylish combos.
Monster Hunter isn't for people who come home from work mentally exhausted and just want to plop down to an arcade style experience. It's quite complex and takes a bit of mental digestion. It's been my Saturday afternoon tinker toy for a couple months now.

That said, my brain is small, so I prefer Dark Souls, those games didn't take any thought for me :p

Have you looked at some of the textures closely? In 2k and 4k alot of textures look like crap.

Can't wait the, that was my biggest graphical gripe with the game.

My son plays it on an Xbox One (not X)....the resolution is pretty awful. I'm sure the PC version even without this looks loads better.