Modifying Ultra X cable ends


Jan 4, 2002
I am getting an Ultra X PSU and want to change the ends to 90° molex connectors. Has anyone tried this yet? Or would it totally ruin the look of the cables?
There are 2 options here. Basically cut the ends off an recrimp pins on, or hope you can somehow remove the ends with the pins in tact. The matter of looks is personal preferance.
Actually, the matter of looks shouldn't matter. If I do my cable management coreectly, there shouldnt be any Molex connectors visible except for the DVD drives that will be at the top of my case. Looking at pics of the ends they looked different from all other Molex connectors I have seen. Shouldnt matter as the same voltage and pin locations are all that matter tho. Think I got worried about nothihng the more I think of it.