Mobile broadband? Best for laptop?


Dec 3, 2003
Mobile broadband for a laptop? Which provider has the best set up? Best bang for buck? Best network? Should I get a wifi hotspot, usb, or card? Going to be using this across country, on rest stops. Single laptop, perhaps to swap with my netbook.
Checking email, surfing, and gaming (if possible.) Probably won't be downloading movies. May be some Skype.

So what do you use? Pro / Con?

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There isn't one best. I have Verizon for my internet, and where I am (27344 -- roughly middle of NC) it absolutely sucks. My father, who lives in Raleigh NC (27612), has them for his phone and loves it -- when he's not out here.

AT&T has been in the news lately for throttling bandwidth on what seems like absolutely everyone they can. TBH, that sucks, because around me they're the ones with the best signal! My cell phone is on their network.

Sprint has an unlimited 4g plan (last one in the country AFAIK) but I don't know how badly they suck (or don't) since I live in 3g-land right now :( They're one town over, but that town is 45min away so it's gonna be a year or two before they get to us... by which time they'll probably have dumped that plan option, of course.