MLB 2k8: Unplayable garbage

Dec 27, 2004
This is a PSA for all of you out there: MLB 2k8 seriously blows. The game chugs along at such a poor frame-rate that it's effectively unplayable. Animations and cut scenes are choppy as hell, and it even skipping over them is laggy. The new pitching mechanism is a literal joke.

And this is all on the 360 version; I'm told the PS3 edition is even worse. Highly disappointing, this is worse than 2k6.
He has a 360. Is there another baseball game on the 360?

Not that I'm aware of; although they may release that "Bigs" game or whatever, but it's not a serious baseball game. Not that 2k8 is either, mind you. The only reason I bought a console was because when the MLB license went exclusive, they stopped making PC baseball games. Which is ridiculous to begin with, but it's especially ridiculous that 2k is now releasing trash worse than their offerings from two years ago on the same platform.

I think I just might try to get the 2008 rosters and apply that to 2k7, if possible.
I'll be sticking with NCAA 07 for the ps2. Until a different company or mvp(whoever) comes out with a control system at least equal to the rock&fire I'll be sticking with my PS2 for my baseball fix. There are still people playing ncaa online including myself. I'm sure you can find it cheap online 15 bucks. Best baseball game made, graphics are 6/10 but gameplay is 9/10. I am biased tho; Ive never really cared for any 2k or bigs or the show type baseball games, the controlls felt detached from the player on screen? add me to friends list pingking08
I would have to agree with the OP. MLB is painful to play. I have to seriously convince myself to finish a game. It's not fun. The new pitching mechanic is interesting, but not enough to keep me interested.

Sport game exclusivity strikes again! I just checked with one of my good friends that is a baseball fanatic for details on the suckage. The current MLB videogame contract only allows first party companies to make titles other than MLB 2K8. Fortunately Sony puts out a good offerring for their PS3 and PS2, however Wii and 360 owners are forced to suffer with this crap since Nintendo and MS are not making MLB licensed ball games right now.

He just bought 2K8 for his 360 and he is trading it in to pick up MLB 08 The Show for his PS2. You know a game is bad when you are going to take a $20 trade in loss on a 360 game to pickup a PS2 game to replace it. Just bringing up 2K8 launched him into a rather amusing rant :eek:
Add me to the list 2K8 is awful and shows yet again that these so called review sites have no idea what the fuck they are talking about since almost everyone gave it average score.

This game is complete garbage, the graphics are worse!?, the sounds are exactly the same, the play-by-play calls are exactly the same.

Did anyone mention it lags like total shit, which is totally unacceptable for a game purely based on timing.

And I honestly have yet to find someone who actually enjoys the new pitching mechanisms.

PLUS why did the remove defensive swings, its like they want us to throw the fucking controller out of the window, or break the joystick since we obviously never wanted to try to shoot the ball up the middle.

Terrible, terrible game, when 2K7 is actually better. Almost makes me go out and buy a PS3
2 weeks ago I had a 360 and a PS3, I bought MLB The Show 08 for PS3 and sold my 360.

The show is fantastic.... I'm really really liking it... I mainly only play sport games on consoles and didn't need both systems to begin with but I like to buy things...

Anyways it was the final decision to go to just 1 console as this is the game I'll play 95 percent of the time for the next several months.

If you are a die hard baseball fan like me, try out The Show. While it's not perfect it's definately the best baseball game since the MVP series and I think it's even better. Very smooth gameplay, fun, and great graphics.
PLUS why did the remove defensive swings, its like they want us to throw the fucking controller out of the window, or break the joystick since we obviously never wanted to try to shoot the ball up the middle.

Terrible, terrible game, when 2K7 is actually better. Almost makes me go out and buy a PS3

Because there are only supposed to be two types of hits in baseball, according to 2K: HR and pop-ups.

As a brief update, if you log out of your profile on the 360, and disable ALL the presentation options -- including going into the 2K online desk on Live and turning off ticker updates for all sports; of course, the in-game shut-off doesn't work -- the game becomes marginally more playable. And then if you disable the new pitching, swing-stick and fielding apparatus as well, you get closer to being almost as good as 2K7. Congratulations, guys.
I'm glad I held off since I wasn't that impressed with 2K7. This series has been steadily getting worse. Sounds like now it's just flat out getting worse and said to hell with the steady part.
I'm glad I held off since I wasn't that impressed with 2K7. This series has been steadily getting worse. Sounds like now it's just flat out getting worse and said to hell with the steady part.

Some baseball games dating back to the NES actually played pretty damn well. Its a very simple sport, but very easy to overdo. I have not played 2K8 (and likely never will) however it sucks that they tried so hard they actually made the game worse.
Look on the bright side. It's better now than it will be after EA buys Take-Two.
I'm bumping this to point out that this game still fucking sucks and should not be purchased under any circumstances.
is this game still garbage or has it been patched and now it's simply rubbish?

It has been updated with newer rosters and they have somewhat fixed the lag.

The new ptiching system has been tweaked a little, but I still see it as a gimmick. I have played with it alot and it really is easy to hit. And online play is still complete garbage it lags like crap, and you can only use the new pitching system at least in ranked games.

To fix the problem of too many pull HRs with left-handed hitters if you try to pull off almost any ball away it will drill it into the ground 9 times out of 10 at least in legend mode, no matter what pitch it is. So yes less HRs, but now you are just looking inside.

The batter's eye is still competely FUBARed as it does not register the pitch as well as before, and you pretty much have to be right on the location or it will not come up at all. Sometimes even if you look for it down and away, even with Albert Pujols and the pitch is down and away, is still does not come up that you guessed the pitch.

Presentation wise, this is probablly one of the worst baseball games of ALL-TIME. Seriously it is a complete joke. It kind of takes away from the baseball experience when you strike out a batter and it says he popped up. You hit a grand slam and it says you hit an inside the park HR. And every game is just completely crap is the new WPA system. IT is basically a system that says how much a player contributes to winning the game. They review this stat in the 7th inning stretch, and show a highlight. But the commentary is messed up and it always says the highlight is from the bottom of the 7th, and if its a homerun it always says its an inside the park HR! Not to mention that the replays and interface system is just complete lag. IT takes almost 1 complete minute to save your franchise, and at every replay the game literally pauses for a few seconds and stutters.

The player ranking system is very bias towards big market teams. They go deeper into their farm systems and over rate their players a lot! Say you are playing with the Pirates, everyone knows that Nyjer Morgan is a complete burner, but somehow he has D speed! So if you play with team not from New York, Boston, Chicago, or LA then you might as well adjust your own roster.

I am a huge Braves fan and they are followed by a huge fanbase, and their team is completely overlooked. Lesser known players are basically randomly generated. Peter Moylan who was one of the top RP of the year last year with 90 appearances and a 1.90 ERA, is rated 68 overall with the wrong pitches, and the wrong delivery. Kelly Johnson who has been the starting 2B for two years still does not have a real picture! Plus they had the names wrong for many of people on the bench. If they are a new player and do not play in a big market they better be rookie of the year like Ryan Braun to get a real picture and udpated ratings

If you want a good laugh look at the ratings..

Its unbelieveable that CC Sabathia is only the 16th best pitcher when he won the Cy Young last year, Andruw Jone is the 4th best CF and Jonny Damon is rated in the top 20, and easily the best SS in the game Hanley Ramirez is only the 7th best SS, and rated 85 overall.
Read reviews before you buy a game. Most of them have already pointed out the issues you're having.
Read reviews before you buy a game. Most of them have already pointed out the issues you're having.

Not to sound too much like a dick...

But if you did not know, many of us can not do without baseball, and this is the only game for 360.

However the reason I am sharing my viewpoints is that someone asked.

Since we all know most "official" reviews for this game have been mostly positive.

Take a look for yourself, as they all over rate this game if you compare it to actual player experience.
they seem to have patched the game, which helps with some (but not all) of the "quirks" like framerate dips and live performance.

and agreed about this being the only baseball game in town and needing a baseball's like madden for me, there's no choice and i gotta have it.