Migrating OS to a new RAID-0 array?


Jun 28, 2004
Well, I plan my X-mas present to be a pair of SATA hard drives...
I want to RAID them and use them as my system drives.

However, I really do not want to reinstall Windows and all the other things I have on my PATA system drive now.

Can someone suggest a method of migrating all the contents, e.g. bit by bit, from my PATA drives to a newly made RAID-0 array?
1) install the drivers for the raid controller on the system
2) install both drives and set up the raid array.
3) using ghost, image the pata harddrive to the array.
Good luck booting before migrating its probably wise to install your SATA-RAID drivers into XP first.
I am having massive trouble with this migration... I've been messing around for several days now. Let me describe what's going on:

I run my IDE OS on "disk 1" in conjunction with a second IDE drive, "disk 2". I use "disk 2" for all my media, e.g. my documents, and the paging file for the "disk 1" based OS. So, after quite a long time of messing around, i figured out that a strict ghosting of my IDE OS to the RAID--0 array (disk 3) confuses the system quite heavily, since it still sees itself assigned to the physical adress of "disk 1" yet is booting off of "disk 3". It boots, but has many many problems, e.g. scvhost is not loading propertly.

If I unplug my IDE drives, the RAID-0 array collapses to "disk 1", and then it simply locks at the WinGUI pre-logon screen, with mouse movable but nothing else.

So, I assume from this that while the thing boots from "disk 3" RAID, it thinks from "disk 1" IDE.

I also tried isolating the IDE OS to only "disk 1" e.g. complete isolation from "disk 2" and anything else.. then ghosted over to RAID. If I unplug all drives but RAID, it will boot, but still locks at the WinGUI.

PLEASE, if you have any success stories porting WinXP from IDE to a new RAID-0, help me out!
And other ideas are welcome
no no, see, i've done that. I can't just backup and reinstall.. I need to PORT specifically. Thanks though.
more or less... i think i've figured it out...
i've done a fresh slipstreamed winxp install on the RAID, with the F6 button driver installs, and that one managed to get 4 different RAID-associated files

whereas when i installed RAID onto the IDE OS, it only installed 1 out of the 4 raid-associated files. I shall try to place them in corresponding folders on the ghosted OS on the RAID now, and see if things work.
Ah ha, stupid RAID drivers are always making lives miserable.
Glad you figured it out.
Take that back, I didn't figure it out. It still freezes at winGUI
It sounds like you have been using Ghost as your imaging tool. Have you tried the full system backup/restore that is built into Windows XP? It works a bit differently than ghost does. IIRC, It uses a combination of backup and fresh install. What it does, is take the basic low level settings and use those as a basis to reinstall the os, and then "updates" it to the state that your machine was at previously. I can't find the guide that I read about it in originally at the momnet, but I think that the "Backup all information on this computer" option from the wizard is how you do this. Cheezy as the built-in option sounds, it's worth a try...
uzor said:
It sounds like you have been using Ghost as your imaging tool. Have you tried the full system backup/restore that is built into Windows XP? It works a bit differently than ghost does. IIRC, It uses a combination of backup and fresh install. What it does, is take the basic low level settings and use those as a basis to reinstall the os, and then "updates" it to the state that your machine was at previously. I can't find the guide that I read about it in originally at the momnet, but I think that the "Backup all information on this computer" option from the wizard is how you do this. Cheezy as the built-in option sounds, it's worth a try...
You know, I underestimate windows, perhaps. Maybe "microsoft works" isn't such an oxymoron...

I'll try tomorrow. For now it's sleep, and i'll be dreaming of my newly ordered 6800ultra..
You know, I underestimate windows, perhaps. Maybe "microsoft works" isn't such an oxymoron...

Not entirely...Microsoft Works (the application) is utter trash, but not everything that comes out of Redmond is bad....It just seems that they hide the gems on purpose.