Might buy PSP in near future.. questions


Feb 19, 2004
Alright... so..

First and foremost.. I already have a nintendo DS.. okay.. so none of that "screw the PSP just get a DS" and none of that "the games are bette" blah blah blah.. i've heard it all.. please keep that BS out of MY thread please :)

sorry if i sound like an asshole

ANyway.. on to my thread

so, i've recently started eye balling the PSP.. and i think i'm gonna go for it and get one within the next 6 months or so.. i'm gonna just sit around and maybe catch a nice deal then bite..

so here are my questions..

1) it comes with built in 32MB of memory for save game info, Mp3s, video etc..?? i know it's 32Mb is almost nothing.. but i think i can fill it with a few decent MP3s

2) how durable is it? like.. you know can it take abuse??

3) are you satisfied?

4) any price drops in the near future??

5) how much video can you fit into it's memory sticks anyway? not whole movies??

here's why i think i would like it..

I would heavly use the Mp3 capability of it.. i mean heavy.. i also am interested in a number of the games (ridge racer, wipe out, there's a few otehr FPS type games.. and twisted metal).. i will be using it as a gaming device aswell, i think i would use the games feature pretty often (maybe not as much as an MP3 player.. but very often)..

as for video.. i think i'll use it.. not as often as the other features, but i'll use it.. given that i'm not gonna buy UMDs..

so.. anyway.. what do you guys think?? shall you push me towards buying one.. or away?

what are other capabilities that i'm probaly not aware of.. aside from the homebrewing emulation stuff??

wireless browsing? I think i would use that.. not often.. but i'm sure i would use it

so anyway.. what do you guys think??

Also.. keep the DS stuff out of this.. this is strickly PSP.. i love my DS and i love the games on it. .and i know that the DS has an M3 adaptor.. but i'm told the MP3 quality is lame.. and video quality not so good... i'm looking at the PSP for it's functionality

last.. any good deals you guys think i should look at??

i'm also just wondering because i can afford the thing.. but it's a pretty heavy investment...

RancidWAnnaRIot said:
1) it comes with built in 32MB of memory for save game info, Mp3s, video etc..?? i know it's 32Mb is almost nothing.. but i think i can fill it with a few decent MP3s
I couldn't even fit one album in 32Mb.

RancidWAnnaRIot said:
2) how durable is it? like.. you know can it take abuse??
If you dropped it on a hard floor I'd say it would be pretty much dead. The screen needs a lot of protecting.

RancidWAnnaRIot said:
3) are you satisfied?
I don't have one but my brother does. It seems like a pretty neat machine but I'm not really interested in any of the games.

RancidWAnnaRIot said:
5) how much video can you fit into it's memory sticks anyway? not whole movies??
With the included 32Mb you'd be lucky to get 30mins on it. If you got a 2Gb stick you could fit 2, maybe 3 movies.

If you really want to play some PSP games buy one and get a 2Gb memory stick, otherwise I'd just get an mp3 player or portable media player.
1) if your just gaming on it, then 32mb is fine for save games and what not, but when you start using the multimedia features you definetely have to upgrade.
2) its delicate, at least I found it to be delicate and you sure as hell would not want to drop it, because it probably wont work afterwards.
3) I sold mine.... Basically I didn't use it enough, the games are good, but when I can play WAY better games on my 360 or pc it just doesn't justify spending the money, but that again is just me. However now with homebrew I kinda regret it.
4) everything keeps dropping in price, not sure when the psp will drop again.

here's a link to my friends psp for sale, he won it and I dont think he even plays it, probably the closest to new psp you would find.

1) the 32MB isnt built in.. but if youre just saving games and not downloading upgrades then yeah.. its sufficient.
2) i watch this kid i baby sit drop his at least 15 times a day.. it still works.
3) im still having fun with lumines. i should really start playing socom again though. I think its not practical in the US.. its better used in japan because youre always on public transportation. Sometimes its good for say.. waiting at the DMV or something.
4) Maybe
5) If you get a gigastick.. its around 1-3 movies. Some people just throw the movies in and watch but thats stupid.. you gotta encode to the 480x272 resolution so it would save a lot more space.
Yeah, as others said before, the 32mb MS that comes with it is fine for game saves. If you really some the multimedia functions, get at least a 512mb MS (But 1gb MS's price are dropping fast, so it might be better to get that). I have 6 episodes of family guy/simpsons and about 150 pictures on my 512mb stick. And PSP is very delicate, especially the screen, I'd recommend you get a screen protector with the it and put it on right away. I'm very happy with my PSP, as I play it a lot during class (college) when the lecture gets boring.
Get the hori screen protector when you first buy the PSP. Thats what I did and it has 0 scratches after 5 months of use. On firmware 2.0+ theres a converter to make mp3's much smaller than they are originally, or so Ive heard. May want to look into that. I have a 1GB stick on my PSP and it can hold almost 3 full movies. But the movies arent dvd quality (but very close). DVD quality movies take around 600MB each. Do not drop your PSP on a hard surface and expect it to work properly again. As for online capabilities, you can have AIM loaded onto the PSP but I'd imagine that itll take awhile to type messages in but its cool non-the-less.
So anyways if you do decide to get a PSP heres a list of 'necessities':
Hori Screen Protector - $5
PSP case (I personally love my Playgear Pocket) - $20
1-2GB MS - $60-120
RancidWAnnaRIot said:
1) it comes with built in 32MB of memory for save game info, Mp3s, video etc..?? i know it's 32Mb is almost nothing.. but i think i can fill it with a few decent MP3s

2) how durable is it? like.. you know can it take abuse??

3) are you satisfied?

4) any price drops in the near future??

5) how much video can you fit into it's memory sticks anyway? not whole movies??

1) try to find a gigapack , come with 1 gig and other goodies , and its pretty cheap for a 1 gig stick

2) no it cant , i bricked one by accident , it fell 5 inch from my hand , get a case... the logitech playgear pocket is your best choice.

3) i am more and more satisfied with my psp , my ds is collecting dust since 2-3 weeks , especially since i installed some emulators and LOAD of nes and snes games :p

4) on the system , maybe after E3 , but for the games there a rumors of a players choice series of games.

5) on my 1 gig i can fit a full 2hours video ( dvd quality) and then keep my emulators and some musics... seriously , find a giga pack ... 32 mb isnt enough
arr4ws said:
1) try to find a gigapack , come with 1 gig and other goodies , and its pretty cheap for a 1 gig stick

2) no it cant , i bricked one by accident , it fell 5 inch from my hand , get a case... the logitech playgear pocket is your best choice.

3) i am more and more satisfied with my psp , my ds is collecting dust since 2-3 weeks , especially since i installed some emulators and LOAD of nes and snes games :p

4) on the system , maybe after E3 , but for the games there a rumors of a players choice series of games.

5) on my 1 gig i can fit a full 2hours video ( dvd quality) and then keep my emulators and some musics... seriously , find a giga pack ... 32 mb isnt enough

aside from teh 1 gig duo,, what else does the gig pack bring?.. it doesn't seem like anything else compared to the value pack no??
My brother can get a two hours movie down to about 250MB, so given formatted capacity you could fit three movies and a healthy ammount of MP3s on a 1GB stick.

The wireless internet is really hyped and touted a lot more than it deserves. It is sloooooowwww. I'm serious, my cable modem gets me 6.5Mbs (it's lightning fast on my computer), yet on the PSP it is almost as slow as dial-up (yes, my wireless network is configured perfectly).
sac_tagg said:
My brother can get a two hours movie down to about 250MB, so given formatted capacity you could fit three movies and a healthy ammount of MP3s on a 1GB stick.

The wireless internet is really hyped and touted a lot more than it deserves. It is sloooooowwww. I'm serious, my cable modem gets me 6.5Mbs (it's lightning fast on my computer), yet on the PSP it is almost as slow as dial-up (yes, my wireless network is configured perfectly).

i see i see.. well i will use the internet browser.. but it's not one of the main features that i' interested in.. but thanks for the info.. i'm leaning towards getting one..
ALso, how can i podcast on that thing???

like does it bring software to let you do that.. or do you need 3rd party software?
The wireless internet has been decently quick in my experience with it. A good friend of mine manages an EB right across the hallway from a Mac store in a local mall... the Mac store has an unsecured wifi network and he and his friends are able to piggyback onto it with their PSPs and check sports scores, etc, while in their own store.

I wouldn't buy a PSP right now though if you could go a few months. There are tons of rumors of a major refresh coming soon, possibly including a HD, which would make it much more attractive, and (this is just my hoping here... but heard it a few places) have an A/V out jack (so you can easily plug it into your TV). Plus, new colors.
RancidWAnnaRIot said:
aside from teh 1 gig duo,, what else does the gig pack bring?.. it doesn't seem like anything else compared to the value pack no??

you get earphone... cheesy sleeve to put the psp and a usb cord ( wich is very short)

but for the price... you wont find a 1 gig mem stick at that price...
A couple of days ago my dog knocked my PSP off of a coffee table onto a hardwood floor several feet below it (were talking some velocity here too). Only thing that happened was the battery and its cover flew off of it. I half expected a busted system but nothing happened to it. Its surprisingly sturdy. I don't have a screen protector either and don't have a single scratch, though I don't bring it anywhere except from my living room to the bedroom to the office to the can...
arr4ws said:
you get earphone... cheesy sleeve to put the psp and a usb cord ( wich is very short)

but for the price... you wont find a 1 gig mem stick at that price...

i thought the value pack brings the ear phones??
RancidWAnnaRIot said:
i thought the value pack brings the ear phones??
Yes, the value pack has the headphones. It also has the wired remote, 32mb memory stick, a protective case, hand strap, and a cloth to wipe the screen.
Blue Fox said:
Yes, the value pack has the headphones. It also has the wired remote, 32mb memory stick, a protective case, hand strap, and a cloth to wipe the screen.

okay.. so like i said.. the only difference is that the giga pack brings a 1 GB duo no??

though it is a good deal though..
I think you would be better off with just getting something that is specifically an MP3 player. I borrowed my friend's for about a week (he has 3, and 3 of about every other system for that matter, he's 45 and still lives at home w/ mommy, lol). The battery life sucks so I don't think it would be a good idea for you to get it just for mainly mp3s. It's a bit large to carry and seems very fragile. I'd suggest something like a video ipod for you. You have to consider that the PSP is jack of all trades, but master of none, and it doesn't seem like you are looking for an all in one device. But then again, it's your money and this is just my oppinion.

Hope it helps
I have a friend's right now. It seems very durable. I am really enjoying the web browser. It is quite snappy on my 5 MBPS connection. P.S: Posting from one is [H]ard ;)
ScreamingBroccoli said:
I think you would be better off with just getting something that is specifically an MP3 player. I borrowed my friend's for about a week (he has 3, and 3 of about every other system for that matter, he's 45 and still lives at home w/ mommy, lol). The battery life sucks so I don't think it would be a good idea for you to get it just for mainly mp3s. It's a bit large to carry and seems very fragile. I'd suggest something like a video ipod for you. You have to consider that the PSP is jack of all trades, but master of none, and it doesn't seem like you are looking for an all in one device. But then again, it's your money and this is just my oppinion.

Hope it helps

i have considered that.. maybe i should rephrase what i said before..

I said i will use the MP3 capabilities the most because i spent a lot of time walking.. when you walk yo ucna't relaly watch videos.. however.. i take fairly long trips about every 2 months or so, so i think the video playback would be awesome for those occasions.. so i will use the MP3 more because i will not have as many oportunities to watch video on it.. I"m sure i'll watch videos more often then every two months.. but i'm just saying. i'll probaqly use the MP3 feature more..

also.. i like to game, and a good number of the games interest me.. plus i think i woulduse hte web browser as well..

like i said.. i'm not getting this just to listen to MP3s.. i guess the main things i will do is MP3s and games.. then video and webbrowsing

i think i'm pretty set on getting one...
The usb cable has to have a mini-B end on it. I have a few things that use it apart from the PSP (TI-89 and sony clie), so it is rather popular. If you have a digital camera, you might be able to use the same cable.
Blue Fox said:
The usb cable has to have a mini-B end on it. I have a few things that use it apart from the PSP (TI-89 and sony clie), so it is rather popular. If you have a digital camera, you might be able to use the same cable.

hehe yeah.. i have a digital camer with one end as mini-B.. so i guess i'm fine in that respect.. yea.. i've been cruising the for sale threads here.. i found good deals.. but they were taken already..
I would wait for a price drop cause right now there not worth it. I couldn't wait to get one and now I pay for it (in a way).
Battery life problems can be fixed with a 2GB Pro Duo. Dump your games to that and the battery lasts much, much longer.

I'm not sure of the legality of such matters, so I won't mention where such things can be acquired.
ZX6Master said:
Battery life problems can be fixed with a 2GB Pro Duo. Dump your games to that and the battery lasts much, much longer.

I'm not sure of the legality of such matters, so I won't mention where such things can be acquired.

Why does everyone say battery life is bad? You all must play 10 hours staight hehe
I get at least 6 hours staight gaming and 3 dvd+ on one charge.
ZX6Master said:
Battery life problems can be fixed with a 2GB Pro Duo. Dump your games to that and the battery lasts much, much longer.

I'm not sure of the legality of such matters, so I won't mention where such things can be acquired.

That's an expensive way to change 3-6 hours into 5-8 hours... Perhaps since your primary function is MP3s and secondary is videos, and way after that is games/web browsing, an IPod Video would be a better purchase. I've personally used the MP3 function of the PSP... and it really, truly does suck ass. The Video Ipod can't do web browsing, however, you can rig it to play some games. It's a much much better MP3 player. BTW Just as a warning, if you get the 1gb pack, you may get a PSP with the new firmware that makes homebrew either tough as nails, or nearly impossible.
coffee33 said:
Why does everyone say battery life is bad? You all must play 10 hours staight hehe
I get at least 6 hours staight gaming and 3 dvd+ on one charge.

QFT...How much battery life do people need. I can get a good 6-7 hours of gaming without the battery being charged. Buy a car charger for the road trips > 8hrs.

even 3 hour battery life woudl be enough for me to be honest... but yeah.. i already got a PSP from someone on hardforum (it's a 1.5).. :D :D should be coming in this week.. i think i'll enjoy it..

as i said before.. im' not using this thing as an MP3 only..

MP3s and games will be my main use with MP3s being playe alittle more than games because i spend a lot of time moving around.. and well you can't play a game while you're walking...

i think it will workout like this

45% MP3
5% web

i don't think it would be worth it getting a video Ipos.. maybe a regular Mp3 ipod.. but then i can't play real games so.. that sucks..