Microsoft Vista Screenshots

TheGamerZ said:
It may look like an evolution... but like I said before... you have to actually try it before you judge it.

Fair enough, but I really, really doubt I'll call the GUI revolutionary even in the final product. :)
(Some parts of the underlying technology might be revolutionary for windows, ok. I'll get back to you when I get to try it, but that won't be anytime soon.)
Thanks for the pics, I guess I should install the beta copy and see what its like in person.
condac said:
The biggest improvment was, and i mean was, the new file system using a database like file system. But the latest news i heard about that was that it was not going to be released in longhorn. It was called WinFS. It was not even certain if it was going to be released in the next os after longhorn.

winFS will released right after Windows Vista release. So you might see a full release of WINFS in Q1/Q2 2007 as an update.
Gonna have to be pretty hot or at least have an NTFS conversion utility. Not restoring from backups for nothing.
bjork said:
i don't like how it's getting a mac-over... windows slip and slide into view... everything fades in and out. it's cute. :(

i can't stand the direction the new explorer is going... away from typing out a path, and more clicky clicky cute blue button style... there's no more 'up' button... you click on the path itself where you want to end up... it could save you a click or two, but i know my folder heirarchies, and am used to 'jumping up two levels' etc... it's just going to be a few old habits to break, i suppose...

The "up" button is there, you just have to turn it on, same as displaying the full path in the title bar. All that is available after you turn on buttons, then customize just like in XP.

I've been very impressed with the stability of this Beta, much more so than the Whistler Betas back in the day.
ashmedai said:
Gonna have to be pretty hot or at least have an NTFS conversion utility. Not restoring from backups for nothing.

It's a layer on top of NTFS, not a replacement. :rolleyes:

If only Microsoft could improve their OS's at the rate Video cards increase their clock speed. Or 1/10th even.

Seriously How much faster is it? The shell looks like some of the crappier window blind offerings. I think I just puked in my mouth :mad:
As someone else mentioned, people are judging it by its looks instead of how it performs and what it can do. It's like saying "omg this game sucks because the graphics suck!" but with an OS. I think people are forgetting that you can customize the way it looks if you don't like it.