Microsoft Announces New AMD EPYC and Intel Xeon H-Series VM Solutions for HPC


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Microsoft has added H-series Azure virtual machines for High-Performance Computing to the Azure CycleCloud. The HB-series VMs feature 60 AMD EPYC 7551 processor cores, 4 GB of RAM per CPU core and no hyperthreading. The AMD EPYC platform has more than 260 GB/sec of memory bandwidth which is 33% faster than x86 alternatives and 2.5x faster than most solutions available in the average datacenter today. These HPC solutions are optimized for applications driven by memory bandwidth, such as fluid dynamics, explicit finite element analysis, and weather modeling.

HC-series VMs feature 44 Intel Xeon Platinum 8168 processor cores 8 GB of RAM per CPU core, all-cores clock speed greater than 3 GHz for most loads and no hyperthreading. These HPC solutions are optimized for dense computation tasks such as implicit finite element analysis, reservoir simulation, and computational chemistry.

Both new H-series VM sizes feature 100 Gb/sec EDR InfiniBand from our technology partners at Mellanox. This is the same HPC interconnect technology featured in the world’s most powerful supercomputer, and now Azure is bringing it to the public cloud for the first time. Finally, the new H-series VMs feature NVMe SSDs to deliver ultra-fast temporary storage for the full range of file sizes and I/O patterns. Using modern burst-buffer technologies like BeeGFS BeeOND, the new H-series VMs can deliver more than 200 GB/sec of peak injection I/O performance across a single Azure VM Scale Set.

4GB of RAM per core sounds like not too much until you think that it's 128GB per socket, 7,680 GB for the whole system.

Sounds like they're not pulling their punches, especially with all the NVMe storage.
I'm here at Microsoft Ignite. Lots of interesting announcements. Glad to see Epyc getting better market penetration. Finally some competition in the datacenter/cloud.