Microsoft AI Surpasses Humans In Natural Language Understanding With SuperGLUE Benchmark


[H]F Junkie
Dec 19, 2005
"However, this is not the first AI model that has outperformed humans, as that trophy goes to the “T5 + Meena” model from Google Brain. It is still impressive, though, that Microsoft has taken the top spot over “T5 + Meena” in number two with a score of 90.2.

Overall, what does this mean for the future of AI and its implementation in our daily lives? Well, Microsoft looks to “support products like Bing, Office, Dynamics, and Azure Cognitive Services, powering a wide range of scenarios involving human-machine and human-human interactions via natural language (such as chatbot, recommendation, question answering, search, personal assist, customer support automation, content generation, and others).” The Redmond-based company is also going to be releasing the DeBERTa model source code to the public for whatever use people can think of. Ultimately, this is a massive leap forward and “marks an important milestone toward general AI.”"
Releasing Dilbert source? Oh... not exactly. It's DeBERTa source. Not nearly as funny as Scott Adams work... Unless...
I thought that MS already perfected this with their Tay twitterbot.
A work of art.

(though to be somewhat fair, I believe it's more... egregious displays were from taking advantage of a way to get it to repeat something back, so in effect - you could make it say anything)

Microsoft also had Tay on chat app too and it really wasn't very impressive. I don't think it used the context of the conversation at all. It just replied to each message independently. They probably have a database with every single skype conversation with identifying information stripped out. Then when you type something to Tay it matches what you type to the closest thing they have and spits out the response. It doesn't seem any more advanced than that. I don't think it actually anything with NLP.
I look forward to them integrating this into clippy and having it go HAL 9000 one people