Microcenter Has Taken Down All P/H 67 Boards !


Supreme [H]ardness
May 28, 2009
I just bought an Asus P8P67 Saturday and thought of returning today. So I guess they got the news !!
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Well i noticed that the ASRock P67 Extreme6 has 6 SATA III ports, 2 via cougar point the other 4 via marvell so i mite get one of those seeing as how the sata 6.0 ports arent affected by the flaw.
The question is, why are they still selling the CPUs? What good are the CPUs without the motherboards?
The CPUs are being sold in store, and the CPUs are not affected by the the flaw according to Intel, kinda sucks cause i was planning to build a new rig next week lol. I did call MC up here in Chicago, and they still have the p67 boards in their store system and they are still on the shelves according to the rep I spoke to.
I'd be curious to know what experience any of you have trying to return your motherboards to MC.

I bought mine from MC last Thursday. Their official return policy says
Service parts, motherboards and processors may only be exchanged, and only if defective, within 30 days of purchase if in "like-new" condition.
Since they have no non-defective motherboards to give you I'm not sure how they'll handle it. I've got quite a few days, so I'll see how this thing starts playing out before making up my mind.
OHHH wonder if I can sell my DP67BG for a ton of money now on eBay since you can't find them anywhere else! Cha-Ching!
I'd be curious to know what experience any of you have trying to return your motherboards to MC.

I bought mine from MC last Thursday. Their official return policy says
Since they have no non-defective motherboards to give you I'm not sure how they'll handle it. I've got quite a few days, so I'll see how this thing starts playing out before making up my mind.

Pretty sure its standard return policy, anything past 30 days u'll have to RMA with the manufacturer most likely. You could always return the mobo for a refund, if you try to exchange in store you'll likely be stuck with whatever they have in store. Time will tell what they decide to do, but I doubt they'll let u exchange to the new revision after the 30 day period, and with news that the new revisions won't be shipping till earliest late febuary, you'd be cutting the 30 day policy close, in that case tho if they get the new boards within a couple days of 30 day period from when u purchased ur board the store manager might allow a swap. As of a few hours ago nothing has changed, they havent pulled the p/h67 boards from the shelves and their systems in store.
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Go freakin figure!:mad: All set to get my refund soon and of course this happens! Was really looking forward to a SB build. Now how long do I have to wait???:mad::mad:
I must have missed the story about the issues pertaining to H67/P67 Chipsets, anymore care to link a reference for what the issue is exactly?
Forget it, Google is my friend. Ouch a billion to fix this issue, thats gonna hurt someones rear
So is it just 2 sata ports that aren't working or is there more to it?
I wonder if they degrade independently? So if after a while one starts to degrade, can you switch ports and keep using it for a while longer.
My P67 setup has been rock solid really. No problems...
I wonder if they degrade independently? So if after a while one starts to degrade, can you switch ports and keep using it for a while longer.

Anandtech's writeup says this:

If you have a desktop system with six SATA ports driven off of P67/H67 chipset, there’s a chance (at least 5%) that during normal use some of the 3Gbps ports will stop working over the course of 3 years.

The emphasis is mine, but it suggests that the ports fail independently. Though I haven't seen that written explicitly anywhere.
It seems every place has taken any P67 board down. Newegg, Tiger Direct, Amazon to name a few. So does this mean no Socket 1155 CPU will be sold as well? The CPU is dead in the water without one..
I feel soooo alone. :eek: On a more serious note. I think I will down clock my motherboard until some P-67 motherboards start being sold again. The last thing I want is for my board to crash on me and I am without a replacement for a month or so since I just sold my old system.
I wonder if they degrade independently? So if after a while one starts to degrade, can you switch ports and keep using it for a while longer.
I think ports 2-5 all share the same PLL, so they should all be equally affected.
I'd be curious to know what experience any of you have trying to return your motherboards to MC.

I bought mine from MC last Thursday. Their official return policy says
Since they have no non-defective motherboards to give you I'm not sure how they'll handle it. I've got quite a few days, so I'll see how this thing starts playing out before making up my mind.

I bought my P8P67 and i7 2600 Friday/Saturday and actually got it up and running relatively problem free. After seeing the news this morning I struggled with the idea of whether to try and return. I waited till this early this afternoon for more info to come in and decided to I'd better strike while the iron is hot and see if Microcenter would let me return the board/cpu.
Well i got down there expecting to see a line around the block of X67 returners but it was surprisingly quiet.
My plan was to go ahead and grab an i7 950 and Sabertooth x58 first before going to the return counter.
Anyway, short story long, I had a copy of the Intel Recall Notice with me, showed it to the manager and within 5 minutes the exchange was done !
Maybe they didn't hassle me because I bacically traded even for the X58 mobo/cpu but in any case I must commend Microcenter for the good Customer Service I got.
I think ports 2-5 all share the same PLL, so they should all be equally affected.

It's kind of hard to know what will happen. Anand said it was one of the gates in the clock tree for the 3gbs circuitry. He also said the gate was a holdover from a "reused" design, and the gate wasn't actually used for anything. What I'm guessing is that as the gate's leakage get's worse, that it'll cause localized heating of the circuitry around it, causing their delays to change and thus potentially getting out of sync and causing errors. I don't think the problem with the gate takes down the whole PLL clock tree or anything. Unless Intel releases more detailed information we'll never know. I'm kind of surprised Anand was told as much as he was. I've been involved with designing multiple chips, so I'd love to be able to actually know what the real details are.
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I'd be curious to know what experience any of you have trying to return your motherboards to MC.

I bought mine from MC last Thursday. Their official return policy says
Since they have no non-defective motherboards to give you I'm not sure how they'll handle it. I've got quite a few days, so I'll see how this thing starts playing out before making up my mind.

I went to Micro Center last night to exchange my P8P67 PRO motherboard due to my freezing / lock-up problems, they didn't give me any grief at all (I bought it on 01/09/11)

Unfortunately, the replacement board hasn't solved this problem for me

Not sure if you were looking for a return or exchange story, but thought I'd pass it along
I returned an unopened P67PRO and 2500K to Microcenter in Santa Clara. Absolutely no problem.

The problems I have are with the 2600K build I am trying to stabilize.
Anybody tried to return an opened Pro and 2600K yet? Think I'm gonna try because of the Intel recall and I will tell them if I return the bad motherboard, I wouldn't have any use for the CPU either, so both might as well be returned. And see what they would say.
Why not just buy a SATA/RAID PCI-e board? I don't like the bug anymore than anyone else, but having my PC down for God knows how long is not acceptable to me.
I've heard that SB motherboards will re-launch in March/April. That's about two months...
Is this issue really that BIG? I got the i7-2600k and ASUS p8p67 Pro combo. I install the mobo, cup and memory but haven't not boot up yet due to my power cable from the PSU not reaching the 8 pin on the mobo. Should i just take it apart and try to return it and get my money back? I am desperate for a upgrade. Look at my sig :)
Is this issue really that BIG? I got the i7-2600k and ASUS p8p67 Pro combo. I install the mobo, cup and memory but haven't not boot up yet due to my power cable from the PSU not reaching the 8 pin on the mobo. Should i just take it apart and try to return it and get my money back? I am desperate for a upgrade. Look at my sig :)

No its not really a big deal. The is a 5-15% chance that in the next 3 years some of you sata II ports will stop working properly.

I don't know why people are freaking out. I'll take my slightly defective SB mobo at 5ghz over my 920 @ 4ghz any day. And in a few months ill RMA for a new mobo, no big deal. My SB build is running rock solid, no reason to set it aside and wait for rma or return it.

I keep hearing of people exchanging it for a 950 build or going amd instead. WTF people!? That's like amputating your leg because you stubbed your toe.
Wow this is huge, both for Intel and their mobo manufacturers. This is seriously going to hit their bottom line and annoy the F out of people that have already upgraded or wanted to. I would be shorting them now if I owned their stock.
I like your thinking process. You're right, when the RMA rolls around just do that at that time. Frankly I can't wait to get my build up and running. I wish the damn 8pin power cable extension would hurry up and get here so i can be up and running.

No its not really a big deal. The is a 5-15% chance that in the next 3 years some of you sata II ports will stop working properly.

I don't know why people are freaking out. I'll take my slightly defective SB mobo at 5ghz over my 920 @ 4ghz any day. And in a few months ill RMA for a new mobo, no big deal. My SB build is running rock solid, no reason to set it aside and wait for rma or return it.

I keep hearing of people exchanging it for a 950 build or going amd instead. WTF people!? That's like amputating your leg because you stubbed your toe.
the sata 3gb ports "degrade" over time. its not something that your gonna notice right away.


The issue is more that if Intel has ANY sort of issue, they get whacked for it.

That goes back to the floating-point bug that affected Intel's initial run of Original Pentiums (and their mishandling from a PR standpoint of that recall/rewind). Since then we have the 430HX chipset issues (this occurred right after the FPDIV bug issue), the packaging change midway through the Pentium MMX run (actually, back-to-back changes; the first change was from FC-PGA to AC-PGA (aluminum-clad PGA) for the MMX line only, then a change to AC-PGA for all Pentiums), an issue similar to the FPDIV bug affecting only Pentium Pro CPUs, the FSB change with the Pentium II (and the resultant upside-down pricing, where for three months the Pentium II-350 was less expensive than the P-II 333) an issue similar to the current one with Intel's original 820 (Rambus) chipsets, etc.

The reason that is is that, Apple and even Microsoft notwithstanding, when people think of American technology, Intel, more than any other company, comes to mind. Therefore, when Intel bungs up, even a little, it's major news.

That is largely why I have my planned build on hold (I can't do diddly without the motherboard except buy anything that I can use now, such as GPU and PSU, and wait for things to settle post-fix).
i wasnt trying to down play the issue i was responding to zod's statement above.


Originally Posted by zod96
My P67 setup has been rock solid really. No problems...
It seems every place has taken any P67 board down. Newegg, Tiger Direct, Amazon to name a few. So does this mean no Socket 1155 CPU will be sold as well? The CPU is dead in the water without one..

There *will* be a revision, so the CPUs can still be sold. However, due to this chipset recall, CPU sales WILL tank (remember, Intel is the only source for chipsets that support this socket) as most of the time, CPU and motherboard are sold together, especially initially. (MicroCenter is still running their 1155 promotion on the CPU end they began last month.)

The real question is how BADLY will 1155 CPU sales take it in the shorts, especially retail? (On the OEM side, especially large OEMs, things have pretty much ground to a stop - I would wager that HP, Dell, et. alia., are sorting out how they will deal with the changes needed to implement this through their support channel.) That means inventories of LGA1155 CPUs will increase, and especially so on the OEM side - expect that in March, CPU prices for non-K LGA1155 CPUs to fall, and fall dramatically, especially if no fix has been implemented by then.
Anyone know if the CPUs are still for sale? I was going to pick up another i5-2500K tonight.

Also, the fix has been implemented and updated chip sets are being produced. No reason that we will not see a fix before end of month.
Anyone know if the CPUs are still for sale? I was going to pick up another i5-2500K tonight.

Also, the fix has been implemented and updated chip sets are being produced. No reason that we will not see a fix before end of month.

*citation needed*

really? REALLY?
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Anyone know if the CPUs are still for sale? I was going to pick up another i5-2500K tonight.

Also, the fix has been implemented and updated chip sets are being produced. No reason that we will not see a fix before end of month.

you know something we dont?? lol end of the month?
I'm curious about those wanting to return an opened SB processor along with said mobo. I'm on the fence about what to do with mine, but just wondering if anyone has tried returning the combo yet.
I assume that Intel will continue producing CPUs so the supply will continue increasing but the demand will fall to nothing since no one can produce new systems for the next two months and OEM's are loath to stockpile chips. That means there should be some great deals starting in a couple of weeks on SB CPU's! Always a bright side to these things. Time for an upgrade.