Memory Question! (my Last One Ehhe)


Limp Gawd
Jun 1, 2004
Yo guys, now that i know a bit more about memory timings , i am still low on budget and torn between two sticks of memory. I will use a amd64 3200+ 1024k with an MSI K8T NEO-FSR board.

Help me to choose between that:

512Mo DDR 400Mhz PC-3200 Major 144.95$ CND
512Mo DDR 400Mhz PC-3200 Infinion/Micron/Kingston 149.95$ CND

I dont know memory timings of these sticks but im pretty sure its about the same.... so if you can, help me please, help a poor 17yrs old guy to buy his first good own computer
I would downgrade that CPU to like a 3000+ and get better and more RAM. Gaming with just 512MB of RAM sucks on high-end games, it doesn't matter how good your CPU is.

If your on a tight budget i would get some value RAM from Mushkin, Kingston, or Corsair. Dont buy any no name brand stuff from some manufacturer that isn't very popular. RAM is very important. More important then that CPU your sticking in there and it has a lifetime warranty so you want something thats good and you can use for a while.
OHH! ok thks for the comments

i found some resonable deal, maybe now you will be able to help me :p

CORSAIR DDR 3200(400mhz) CL2.5 512MB 146.50$CND

KINGSTON DDR3200 (400mhz) CL2.5 512MB 150$

2 questions:
-is it better CL 2.5 or CL 3 (if i understood well its 2.5)
-is it better 2x256mb or 512mb
CAS 2.5 is better. When it comes to memory timings, lower is generally better (except in some cases like the Active-Precharge with Athlon XP motherboards where 11 for the timing is better).

I'd pick the Corsair, though both it and the Kingston are good brands.

Also, I'd just go with one stick of 512 MB, since your mobo does not support dual channel. Easier to get a gig later on by just throwing in another stick of 512.
OH GReAT! thank you very much dude, i will look at that closer. Im buying my new rig in one week.
Are the last prices you posted CDN too? Just wondering cause I saw 512MB of Muskin's Blue line running 2.5-4-4 for $115. I also saw some OCZ running 2.5-3-3-7 for under $100 and I've heard alot of good things about OCZ's stuff. I personally think that you pay for the Corsair name alot more than you do Muskin or OCZ.
Woah, everytime i go here, i discover new things, and im torn again for the choice of a good memory/cpu dilemma.. PS: I dont overclock cause im scared.

choice 1: keep an athlon 64 3200+ with a kingston DDRCL2.5 512mb

choice 2: take an athlon 64 3000+ with a corsair xtreme low latency 2-2-2-5 512mb

choice 3: take an athlon 64 3000+ with 1024mb corsair DDR CL2.5

choice 4: dont buy a good chair for my computer, and replace it with 1024 of xtreme low latency 2-2-2-5

choice 5: sleep and cry