Medal of Honor Beta

Tried to play again last night. got about 4 kills... started to run few more kills, death.... 2min later CTD.

F this game!
once I hit 3 kills in a row on the taliban side, i ctd. The guns are easy to use. Too easy to use in face. There really isn't much benefit from shooting controlled two or three bullet bursts. There doesn't seem to be bullet drop on the snipers, but I could be wrong. The maps are small. I ctd all the time. I'm running XP pro SP3.
I think this game will be much improved in its complete form. I think what they gave us is too early to even be called a beta. I do really like the feel of the controls, they seem half way between the sluggish BC2 and the jumpy MW2. But it's not as much fun as either of those games.

My favorite of the three is still BC2. The battles are just so much fun. I think all war games from now on should have destructible environments. Shooting a building with a tank and not blowing a hole in it sucks. I don't see myself being a MOH owner unless they add a lot more to make the battles feel legit.
Was not a big fan of the Beta either, and probably will be passing on MoH. I really wanted to like it, and gave it a fair shot it just felt like BC2 Lite, or even MW2 Lite. I honestly see no reason this game needs to exist. It is trying to occupy a space that is already dominated by two more than capable juggernauts. One from the same damn company I might add!