Mass Effect 3 demo - 2/14/12

I'm hoping it is more like ME1 then ME2, but I'll wait until it actaully comes out. ME2 felt more like gears of mass effect to me then a proper RPG.

The ability system is a nice combination of the two. Combat is very ME2, which is a good thing. The demo doesn't give you enough to judge how deep or shallow the RPG mechanics are, however it does look like it's somewhere in the middle of the two.
I'm hoping it is more like ME1 then ME2, but I'll wait until it actaully comes out. ME2 felt more like gears of mass effect to me then a proper RPG.

Mass Effect has always tried to hybridize shooter and RPG qualities. Even ME1 wasn't really a proper RPG in the traditional sense of the term. (Thankfully.)
I'll defend the gameplay of ME2 as ME1 was horribly clunky when it came to shooting. My wife's replaying it right now and it's even worse than you likely remember. ME2's wasn't great but it was better.
I think the problem is that improvement seemed to come at the expense of everything else.
They took you to a whole bunch of new planets with new settings...and let you explore a hallway or building in them.
Instead of improving the Mako missions they just killed 'em. Instead of fixing the inventory system they removed it. Instead of removing the tediousness of getting raw materials they made it a mini-game that was even less fun and just as much of a waste of time.
It just seems like they had knee jerk reactions to any complaints for ME1...except the combat. I get the feeling the same people probably called the shots for Dragon Age 2.
If they can take the RPG elements of the first game and the combat from the 2nd I'll be happy. Oh yeah...that and making the freakin' run button actually work all of the time! WTF?!?!
I'll defend the gameplay of ME2 as ME1 was horribly clunky when it came to shooting. My wife's replaying it right now and it's even worse than you likely remember. ME2's wasn't great but it was better.
I think the problem is that improvement seemed to come at the expense of everything else.
They took you to a whole bunch of new planets with new settings...and let you explore a hallway or building in them.
Instead of improving the Mako missions they just killed 'em. Instead of fixing the inventory system they removed it. Instead of removing the tediousness of getting raw materials they made it a mini-game that was even less fun and just as much of a waste of time.
It just seems like they had knee jerk reactions to any complaints for ME1...except the combat. I get the feeling the same people probably called the shots for Dragon Age 2.
If they can take the RPG elements of the first game and the combat from the 2nd I'll be happy. Oh yeah...that and making the freakin' run button actually work all of the time! WTF?!?!

No they had different teams working on ME2 and DA2. DA2's biggest problem is that EA rushed it out the door. Given another 6 months or so I think they could have ironed out all the issues.
My Vanguard in ME1 always pulling out the assault rifle or sniper rifle was annoying as heck. Also, ME1 didn't have charge. Charge on Insanity in ME2 is some real fun.
Damn, the demo isn't out yet?

I was hoping to download it this morning so it'll be all ready for later.
I'll bet the farm and say this game is going to suck.

Then you better go rent the nearest room in a motel because your going to be homeless.

It'll still be a quality game , it may have "EA" stank all over it but its still the same team and I doubt they will fuck it up the way the Dragon Age team fucked there franchise up.
I still don't really like the concept of MP Mass Effect, but hopefully it won't be as bad as I'm fearing.
One really cool thing they implemented is voice command Kinect support.
You can tell tell your squad what to do and I guess it accepts slang and whatever else people tend to say in the heat of the moment.
Finally you can yell "Kill that fuckin' thing with your shotgun!" and get a response.
I'll defend the gameplay of ME2 as ME1 was horribly clunky when it came to shooting. My wife's replaying it right now and it's even worse than you likely remember. ME2's wasn't great but it was better.
I think the problem is that improvement seemed to come at the expense of everything else.
They took you to a whole bunch of new planets with new settings...and let you explore a hallway or building in them.
Instead of improving the Mako missions they just killed 'em. Instead of fixing the inventory system they removed it. Instead of removing the tediousness of getting raw materials they made it a mini-game that was even less fun and just as much of a waste of time.
It just seems like they had knee jerk reactions to any complaints for ME1...except the combat. I get the feeling the same people probably called the shots for Dragon Age 2.
If they can take the RPG elements of the first game and the combat from the 2nd I'll be happy. Oh yeah...that and making the freakin' run button actually work all of the time! WTF?!?!

Excellent post. I couldn't agree more. ME1's story drew me right in, I thought visiting random planet's surfaces was fun, and I loved the RPG elements. But the clunkiness needed to go. Instead, the threw out the baby with the bathwater. Story was OK in the second one, but the depth was gone. I enjoyed it, but less. Hopefully BioWare learned a little lesson with the backlash on DA2, and will bring back some of the depth of ME1, but the smoothness of ME2.
ME2 is one of my most favorite games ever. Call it a non RPG or a bad Action game, I dont care, I absolutely loved it. I love hardcore RPG's too, but ME is just fine in my book. Very excited about 3.
I read somewhere that it would be released around 10 AM PST on Origin. Almost 11:30 now and no demo...?
I read somewhere that it would be released around 10 AM PST on Origin. Almost 11:30 now and no demo...?

The demo is up. If you can't see it restart Origin and then go into the free games section. Impossible to miss the giant banner.
Played through the demo, was very, very only qualm is the frickin' FOV. I really wish Bioware would give us PC gamers the option for an adjustable setting.

I'll give the co-op a run through tonight-tomorrow
I liked what I saw in the demo, and I like the 3 options for how you want to play the game.

Also liked the fact it still takes the same facial codes you could use in ME2 so I could import "my" Sheppard right in and go. Very nice touch there.

Here's a link to the ME2 face site if you want some decent premades btw
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Ug, I have to wait til origin is finished DLing...

Can't wait to play the demo, anyone know how large the demo is?
Ug, I have to wait til origin is finished DLing...

Can't wait to play the demo, anyone know how large the demo is?

2.1GB. Click at the bottom of Origin where the progress bar is to pull up full information on the download.
Lol I stayed up all night waiting for it, through until 1:30pm est to play it and......
Me likey very much, it plays like ME2 but more polished. Though I had some problems with the cover system it was fun all around.
I do still wish I could try it with a 360 gamepad but I guess there may be a user patch for that down the road.

jumped in co-op when I had the chance, it's actually quite fun

Not having battlefield 3 I have yet to try the Co-op on the demo, for the rest of us I believe it unlocks on the 17th.
Can't wait for my CE on March 6th!
Well, the demo is totally unplayable once the dialog scenes are done...

It lags to high heaven & mouse input sucks a ton. I guess I'll just have to wait for the final release.
Can't get it to run. After installation, I get stuck on a black screen with a spinning blue circle mouse pointer every time I try to launch the demo.
Played through the demo, was very, very only qualm is the frickin' FOV. I really wish Bioware would give us PC gamers the option for an adjustable setting.

I'll give the co-op a run through tonight-tomorrow

sad part is it's piss easy to do in ue3, they just continue not giving any fucks.
The beginning is really janky. You've got reapers invading and tearing shit up but the characters don't act with any sense of urgency and seems like they're just having a dining room conversation.
Well, the demo is totally unplayable once the dialog scenes are done...

It lags to high heaven & mouse input sucks a ton. I guess I'll just have to wait for the final release.

Try this?

Can't get it to run. After installation, I get stuck on a black screen with a spinning blue circle mouse pointer every time I try to launch the demo.

There are some threads on their forums that seem to have solutions that worked for some people. Might be worth a look.

A driver up/downgrade might also help, don't know.
Clint Mansell did a nice job with the score from what I've heard so far.

On another note if there is an option to remove helmets from squad members why not also have it for Shepard?

Nice touch with Canada Place still standing in the future :p For those that don't live around here, the white building you see in the background in the first level that looks like it has several sails on the roof is an actual building in Vancouver.

The beginning is really janky. You've got reapers invading and tearing shit up but the characters don't act with any sense of urgency and seems like they're just having a dining room conversation.

The animations don't seem to be all that good for that section and look rather stiff.
I'm impressed. It "feels" like a PC game. Not too many blurry textures at 2560x1600. My 7970s weren't being stressed either like they were for Tera.
well video options are lacking >.> and some of the textures look like its still 1998
but at lest shadows look good now lol
oh and they changed the controls up which is messing with me a bit
some thing just feels off about it i think its the over loaded space bar thats messing with me the most
I'm impressed. It "feels" like a PC game. Not too many blurry textures at 2560x1600. My 7970s weren't being stressed either like they were for Tera.

Eh, I thought the textures looked terrible... especially on the suits. If it didn't run 60FPS locked on a 7970 something would be really wrong. Nothing that'd stop me from playing, I guess I'm just spoiled by The Witcher 2 these days...
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I'm impressed. It "feels" like a PC game. Not too many blurry textures at 2560x1600. My 7970s weren't being stressed either like they were for Tera.

I think you nailed it. It just feels like it should.

Hell my 460's in SLI hold a solid 60 FPS with everything maxed out. That to me is a great thing. It may change in the more "open" areas with longer distances, but the demo is smooth as butter.
wtf did they remove the holster option? also the moving animation feels weird.. clumsy or how you describe it was much better in Me2.
my prediction:

ME1 > ME2 > ME3


ME3 > all but a handful of games released in 2012
Goddamn can't wait to fuck up some reapers. Anyone think that Bioware might go crazy and make it impossible to beat the Reapers in the end, and everyone dies/you end up running away to restart humanity?