Mass Effect 2 coming to PS3 in Jan. 2011

So, those of us early adopters for PC and XBox 360 who bought all the DLC get the shaft? How lovely.
So, those of us early adopters for PC and XBox 360 who bought all the DLC get the shaft? How lovely.

Well they have to do something to entice people to want to shell out~$60 for it on ps3, when by Jan 2011, they can prob get the PC version on the steam boxing day sale for probably ~$10 - $15.
That's a full year after the fact. You should get some extra stuff if you wait that long. You have to think there will be some sales between now and then, too.
It would cost too much to port the first game and then try to sell it for like $20-$30.

Its common practice for timed exclusive to have more content when it reaches another platform. I believe Sony tries to enforce this to help sales, which makes sense.
Great news for PS3-only gamers.

edit. Wait, no ME1? ... um..
I was a bit disappointed by this.

The rumours seemed to indicate some sort of enhanced version of the first and second games, which I'd have happily re-purchased. A year late port is fine if you haven't played the original, but I wont be re-buying.
Apparently people are raging about the decision to not release ME1 on PS3, 360/PC players included.

Basically, the logic is that if ME3 is released on PS3 as well, ME1 won't matter, because they can't design events of ME3 to hinge significantly on events of ME1 - because PS3 players can't play ME1.

If it's that simple I'd be pissed too, but I doubt BioWare would be that short-sighted.
That's a full year after the fact. You should get some extra stuff if you wait that long. You have to think there will be some sales between now and then, too.

That's true. But still there are going to be some angry gamers with a warped sense of self-entitlement that will raeg over this.

Seems kind of silly not to start with the 1st game.

Great news for PS3-only gamers.

edit. Wait, no ME1? ... um..

Yep. Sorta how Fable III coming to PC without PC seeing a proper Fable II release. Fable III is said to have the same transfer save mechanic that Mass Effect 2 has

Real useful for those who buy the PC version, huh?
I'm sure there will be several YT storytline/catch ups if ppl are really that bothered, I couldn't be arsed to play God of War 1 & 2 so that is what I did :D