Man Mauled to Death by Bear While Taking Selfie with It


Aug 20, 2006
A man in India was killed this week when he tried to snap a selfie with an injured bear. Apparently, bears have plenty of energy to maul someone to death even when incapacitated.

“Bhatara died on the spot,” forest ranger Dhanurjaya Mohapatra told the news outlet. Horrific video of the incident filmed by a bystander shows the bear attacking Bhatara, as terrified witnesses scream. A stray dog even attempted to go after the bear by barking at it, but Bhatara could not be saved.
Guess he was expecting it to be as easy as this..

Yogi was hungry and couldn't find a picnic basket. We regret to inform you that Bhatara is dead because Bhatara was stupid. 1 for Bears - 0 for Bhatara.
There are idiots everywhere. Stupidity is worldwide.
Of course, but some places are worse than others. China is famous on liveleak because their culture dehumanizes everyone, so life is cheap. How they treat each other in good samaritan type situations is shockingly callous. Plus, their safety standards when it comes to equipment and machinery is non-existent. Escalators and elevators in China are hungry for human flesh.

India is bad because of how crowded it is. A million idiots riding on top of trains. The sure do love to fall under them and grab the power lines which run above. Not to mention shitting wherever they can drop their pants.

Speaking shitting, Brazil is just a violent shithole.
"Horrific video of the incident filmed by a bystander shows the bear attacking Bhatara". Read then click the link if you wish.

That's not the point, I'm on the front page of a tech site, not LiveLeak, even without clicking the link, I wanna see cool tech shit, not a headline about some dude being ripped apart by a bear, and up until today I never had that "issue", hence my question, why is it there and will there be more like it in the future.

hardly graphic. It was so blurry and shaky I couldn't see shit

Not really the point.
That's not the point, I'm on the front page of a tech site, not LiveLeak, even without clicking the link, I wanna see cool tech shit, not a headline about some dude being ripped apart by a bear, and up until today I never had that "issue", hence my question, why is it there and will there be more like it in the future.

Not really the point.
I would think it obvious, but i guess not... The tech part is about the selfie... Meaning technology changed the mans behavior to the point that it cost him his life. I guess you will question why are there financial news in this website... I am talking about the ones about loans and which cellphone you own.
If just one person had had a firearm, they would have been able to save him... :sour:
He may have been stupid, but he was still a human being.

umm no killing a bear to save a dumbass I don't agree with we have enough idiots on this planet they don't need saving.

There are idiots everywhere. Stupidity is worldwide.

True but maybe those country's a higher percentage of stupid.
dude either put the phone and go help or take a proper video, what's the point of waving the phone around and yelling.
Darwinism in action people! You can't write shit this stupid. You can only watch it happen and report on the results!

What a "tech enthusiast" forum this has become...
It's the end of a quiet weekend Slave. What's wrong with a bit on the lighter side?
Where we have idiots here injuring/ killing themselves with selfies while driving and [exercising their right to bear] firearms, in India it's trains and animals.

Also of note at the end of the article:
"Bhatara’s death is Odisha’s third selfie-related fatality since December. A 50-year-old man was crushed to death by a wild elephant while trying to take a selfie with the animal in December, according to local media. Also that month, a youth was crushed to death while taking a selfie, also with an elephant, reports said."
I want to see someone take a selfie with a Great White Shark!! Now that would be one for the ages!!
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Thanks for your efforts toward pruning the genepool buddy.
If just one person had had a firearm, they would have been able to save him... :sour:
He may have been stupid, but he was still a human being.

Why? Bear did not do anything wrong. He was injury, and he was just defending. If you wanted to help that stupid guy, then you would shoot him instead. That would help him to die less painful. It's about time that all idiots just need to stop taking selfies with everything.
ummmm...natural selection!
On a more serious note, all those people and nobody grabbed a rock / large branch or anything to even try and help, just yell and watch! WTF
Serves him right.. our society and species in general has the overwhelming stupidity and arrogance to strut around claiming how we are so fucking great... the truth is we are weak, lazy and over-entitled, and its not until the real world comes knocking on our delusion and suddenly we start screaming for help in disbelief while everybody sits back and records it, that we realize how fucking stupid we've been the whole time.
lol I almost witness a death by elk out in Banff. idiot was to close to the herd during rut and ended up dancing around dodging horns on top an truck. all I could say was a todaso! im an hour away so ive seen this lots!