Major Bug in IC7 after BIOS update (unless I am doing something wrong)


Jan 12, 2004
I have Windows XP installed on a RAID 0 array through the Intel ICH5 chipset. Here what I found after updating to BIOS 21. I cleared CMOS and reset everything to the way I had it before. The system will not boot at all. Says invalid disk. I think "Oh no" so I reflash back to the working BIOS 18 I had before. Again set everthing correctly and cleared CMOS. This is how I tricked it into booting correctly. What I did when I see the "DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER" is insert Windows XP install CD (probably will work with any bootable CD). Now the computer says "Press any key to boot from CD....." So I DO NOT press anything, and bam, my install of Windows Loads fine off my RAIDed harddrives. So now when I reboot windows and I get to the part where it should boot. No go. Same "DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER" problem. I hope that I don't have to keep the Windows XP CD in all the time and trick it to boot like I described. Any suggestions? I really appeciate any input. Thanks in advance.
You need to go back into your bios and change the boot order back to SATA Raid first or whatever option the built in SATA is.
Originally posted by Èpel
Thanks for the suggestion but I am not an idiot, lol. I am very technical and know how BIOSes work. I think it is something with the RAID controller in the Southbridge. If anyone else experienced this post your findings. Thanks

Nice reply. Does this mean you have verified that SATA is your first/only boot option?
Sometimes that can happen with disk controlers and BIOS updates. Your best bet is to boot into XP make a rescue disk. Flash the BIOS and then run the rescue disk in XP setup. That should update the boot loader on the drive.
Originally posted by Choder
Nice reply. Does this mean you have verified that SATA is your first/only boot option?

lol if he's so "technical" why is he on the forums looking for help? :p