Mac Pro 5,1 no power diagnosis


Mar 6, 2013
Hi, everyone. I have googled and I have tracked down the service source for my machine but I cannot find any specific documentation anywhere for the problem I am having.

My Mac Pro is the storage and media center for my house. I run it pretty much 24/7 and it has worked flawlessly since I got it.

Recently, it shut down and a red LED was visible through the front. I pulled the power cord and after waiting a few minutes I plugged it back in. No red light but now there was an amber LED visible and it would not start.

I pulled off the side cover and it is the 5V STBY LED and if the machine is plugged in this LED is constant on. Service source has troubleshooting info for blinking and if it comes in when you ores the backboard test buttons but nothing about constant on. My biggest fear is it is the backboard/logic board that needs replacing, because I do NOT currently have the funds for that. I have done the reset SMC procedure and nothing. My best hope I think at this point is that it is the PSU.

Can anyone chime in with possible diagnosis or troubleshooting direction from here? The closest Apple service store is over an hour away and I work nights... It is almost impossible for me to get in there.

Thanks in advance HFers. You are my only hope!
Mac Pro (Early 2008) Troubleshooting Guide

The interesting part for the LED diagnostic lights starts at page 154. Some of them require that you press the DIAG_LED button before reading them. STBY always amber is supposed to mean the PSU is supplying trickle power, but only after you push the DIAG_LED button. There are 9 LEDs total; you should press the DIAG_LED button and translate what the status of each of those LEDs means from the manual (off is not necessarily good).
Thanks! That is what I had gone through before. But it does not address my issue. Machine is completely dead, but the 5V STBY is constant on. Not just when the DIAG button pad is replaced. I cannot find a single discussion of this anywhere.

Thank you for helping me!