MAC G5 PC mod a hoax!!

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Well I'm a mac user and I thought that if it was true he was stupid. How can you justify 3-5 grand for a computer case? If he'd said he kept the parts fine. But he claimed he gave them away. No matter how you look at it giving away the hardware would have been just plain stupid.
However it's a hoax and if I got a shell I'd stick a PC in it if it's all i could afford.
Well this was in General or somewhere else, but to be fair I find it hard to believe that anyone thought it was genuine. I mean, nobody is that stupid, and some of the comments were farsical. They lack of before pictures sealed it for me.
everyone thought that spending 5k for a case was moronic. Probably even if you put in afirebreathing dually opteron setup.

The point is most people didn't feel the need to make deaththreats and wish damnation on the guy who posted it.
I don't know, I found it pretty amusing, especially after reading forum after forum of fuming posters, none of which will probably meet the kid. A lot of frustration was spent on those shens. :p
Yeah, it's just fun to watch all the Mac zealots get their panties all in a bind.
I'm actually talking about the people in THIS forum, at Bit-Tech, at Pheaton, at GenMay, etc.
Originally posted by xonik
I'm actually talking about the people in THIS forum, at Bit-Tech, at Pheaton, at GenMay, etc.

Honestly, I couldn't understand why everyone was getting so upset about a Mac :confused: (mind you I never could get into the site - always too congested)

Today, I read a little more about this G5 and while it sounds like it is (finally) a decent machine, it is still not a PC killer
imo, whatever... so he got a G5 case... at least if he was going to make it into a PC he could make it not look like ass...

the G5 case has uber modding potential, and he didnt tap into any of it :(
Originally posted by TheMostWantedPolishTwin
some ppl have too much money...

you obviously didnt read the article im guessing :rolleyes:
I swear to god, Mac users are extreme fanatics. If there were a terrorist organization for computer users. Mac users would be it.

They don't listen to reason, and they go psycho if you try to explain anything about it.

Infact I'd give this guy a medal if he really stripped a G5. More power to him. It's like buying a V6 Mustang, you get the look, but none of the power.

If I had money to burn, I'd buy and strip G5's for fun. Putting them in different cases and donating them to schools. The schools don't need the cases, they're just gonna get abused anyway. Plus, schools like Macs because they're "idiot-proof" .. hence the "i" in "iMac" :) *runs*

Hmmm .. new Discovery channel show potential?? Monster .. Monster PC .. Monster .. Monster PC!
Isn't this old news. I have a PC and a VERY old mac, that I haven't figured out what to do with it, but I didn't like it because it's a total POS; it gives modders a bad name and all the equipment was total shit (except the SCSI drives, and I don't like SCSI). Mods should look good as well as serve a function. Honestly who here thinks he did a good job on that @$$! box! I like Mac to PC mods because they are usually creative and have some good stuff cramped into them. Sound to me like all some people want to do is bash a mac instead of judging the job he did. :rolleyes:

Obviously, if you were going to do a mod like this, you would expect the new PC components to meet or exceed that of the existing Apple hardware. Or go to the other extreme and make a fishbowl out of the G5 or something like that. We happen to like Apple to PC conversions, but we like them when they are done correctly. Our very own Rotten Apple project took a G4 case and filled it with the “best of the best” PC components available at the time and color matched the whole project in [H]ardOCP red.


funny funny ....

btw i use mac for my Digital video + camera needs.. it's a very nice machine.. i prefer both
ok show is over

and i agree, if you are lucky enough to get a FREE G5 case to mod, you better do it damn good to do justice to how sexy the G5 case is

which he didnt do, it was a real half-assed mod and any modder with half a brain can see that

anyway, enough spam...
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