LWTT+cash for pci express video card

Jun 16, 2003
My old motherboard died, and my new one doesnt have agp so im using the integrated x200, which doesnt cut it. Im looking for atleast x1600 or 7800 something very high end.
ill be willing to trade the thinkpad for like a 7800GTX or 2x7800gt's etc etc. (after further review id be willing to trade it for a new motherboard/proc combo (like atleast a 4200+ x2)

what i have on my end
(1x) stick left of hyperx bh-5 3200 256 attained from oppainter himself
(1x) psp w/ socom and usb cable + 256 mb ms (no dead pixels)
(1x) old Hercules 9800 pro. card is in perfect condition but the fan makes a loud noise, im sure its easily fixed)
(1x) Thinkpad r51 2888 notebook, if included i expect you to throw in alot
i also have a few other things, like power supplies, and other random parts

also about $150 cash

aim - ayeluvmymunky
email -wes.freidenATgmailDOTcom
heat - freeofparanoia

if you have other trade offers or need my stuff, please feel free to go ahead and make an offer!
while lemme see what i got, ill do a good trade,

whats wrong with you dude
sorry i need something more powerful than a 6600..

2gig, i have mono and i cant really leave the house since its so contagious and you can be stuck in bed for months
I got a 7800 GT CO new in box sealed still. (dead beat ebayer and two 2nd chance offers changed their minds) How used & abused is the PSP and are there any scratches on it?

Do you have any PS one games too? Like... Final Fantasy VII, Tactics, or other cool squaresoft games ^_^
i have not had salival contact with any of said parts..

noobtech i had to run because i had a reaction to my darvocet and when i came back you were gone so hit me up if you see this
ok dude, im not gonna take any o those parts, it can spread my your jands if you coughed on your hands
ok, im sorta sick also, but i have to wear gloves and a mask, so you never know

but dude, i was stuck in bed also for a while

i ffel your pain

lemme see what cards i have that are decent,

ok, wow, i see it,

ok, me perosnaly opinion, get a 7800 gt now, and i may give one up in my sli setup if i need a psp and socom and the 9800

lemme see
Oh god,
I know just how you feel
I remember having mono when I was 14. I missed 5 weeks of school. Probally the second worse feeling illness in my life. Worse one as doulbe lung pneumonia, that almost killed me. (I was an idiot and didnt get it checked out when I was sick for 2 1/2 weeks straight)
I had mono, and although it got me out of a lot of work, it was definitely not worth it. My spleen was 5x times normal size........spleeeeeeeeeeeeeen
That's like a 6800... if you threw in some cash and offered to pay shipping both ways AND wash his car and massage his back. It might be a good trade! :D