Lowest price for 2405 in Canada?


Limp Gawd
Sep 30, 2004
Title says it all pretty much. How much did you guys pay for the 2405 in Canada?
Yup. $1274.15. I just got mine 1 hour ago. This thing is a monster. I'm a little worried because I can't find anyting wrong with it. No dead pixesl (yet), no buzzing. :p It's still hooked up to my old system with analog but that is going to change soon. I just got my last part (the PSU) for my new system with the LCD today. This weekend I should see the digital difference. :D

BTW did you guys get your LCD's with the analog cable attached? I know I read somewhere that some also did. The only thing that worried me even before I opened the box was that it was double taped. What I mean is the original tape was already cut open and taped over. For what ever reason it was opened already but it doesn't look like it was used by anybody else. Inspection in Canada maybe? If you guys still have your box take a close look at the tape.

TehQuick said:
Use service menu to check how long it was used for ;)

I did. It was for about 50 minutes, and that's roughly how long it was running for when I checked.
Skyviper said:
Title says it all pretty much. How much did you guys pay for the 2405 in Canada?
I searched and searched and called and called. All I could get is 10% off. :(
1550.00 Tax and Ship included.
I heard you can easily get a 15% off coupon code if you have Air Miles. All you have to do it sign up for Air Miles and get the code from www.airmiles.ca
I just signed up with Dell back on March 15 and 3 days later they sent me the 15% coupon. I guess I got lucky. I finally gave in and ordered on March 30th.
FusionXP said:
Yup. $1274.15. I just got mine 1 hour ago. This thing is a monster. I'm a little worried because I can't find anyting wrong with it. No dead pixesl (yet), no buzzing. :p It's still hooked up to my old system with analog but that is going to change soon. I just got my last part (the PSU) for my new system with the LCD today. This weekend I should see the digital difference. :D

BTW did you guys get your LCD's with the analog cable attached? I know I read somewhere that some also did. The only thing that worried me even before I opened the box was that it was double taped. What I mean is the original tape was already cut open and taped over. For what ever reason it was opened already but it doesn't look like it was used by anybody else. Inspection in Canada maybe? If you guys still have your box take a close look at the tape.


Where do you live? I'd like a in-person demonstration of this thing :D

Congrats. It looks like a beast in pictures, but I'm sure it's even beastier in person.
a ronin said:
Where do you live? I'd like a in-person demonstration of this thing :D

Congrats. It looks like a beast in pictures, but I'm sure it's even beastier in person.

Actually it's pretty small :p
Obviously not related to Canada, as I'm a few miles away from there, but.

Price in Australia, I've orderd 2 x 2405 Dell LCD's @ AUS$1305 delivered to door.

(AUD$1,305 = CAD$1,256)

At least least it shows parity of global pricing)

Footnote: Delivery is end of next week .... will be fun having them side by side

I just bought mine today for $1050 CDN + 15% taxes = $1207.00 CDN shipped through our corporate account at the company I work for.

Can't wait

Would be nice if the discount stacked with the 10% off coupon :)

Guess I'll wait until I get a 15% off coupon one day.
When I talked to the Dell rep, I told him that I wanted to use the 15% off coupon but that I didn't actually have it. I had just signed up for the newletter, so I had not yet actually recieved any coupons.

He said he would only give me 10%. I told him that I would think about it, and was about to hang up but he said "hold on, I'll look into it". When he came back he gave me teh 15% off :D
PKFGimpy said:
When I talked to the Dell rep, I told him that I wanted to use the 15% off coupon but that I didn't actually have it. I had just signed up for the newletter, so I had not yet actually recieved any coupons.

He said he would only give me 10%. I told him that I would think about it, and was about to hang up but he said "hold on, I'll look into it". When he came back he gave me teh 15% off :D

Cheater :D
Just on the phone now with Abdul,best he can do so far is 1300x2,i am waiting for a better offer,on hold,ok,udate,best he could do was 1250 but i had to hang up as i was needed at work.Will update fellow canucks with more info once i have some.
Update 1,my cell rang twice about a half hour after i hung up,latest offer is 1200can + free shipping,he is working for another 7 hours and wanted to call me in 4,i said thats ok i will call him,i think i may get him down some more,tune in for more exciting haggling.
essfor said:
Got mine for 1174 + taxes, free shipping, w00t!

Ok I officially bought mine 1 week too soon. Doh!
I will have to stop looking at this thread.

I initially got mine for 1350+tax.. then they dropped it 10% off web site so I complained and got another 5%. So basically happy, but people are getting better deals than that...

Keep at it guys. If I've learned anything is that Dell people like to Deal.
Man, 15%+ off and I'm buying. How late are they open? I get home after 5:30...

I hate 9 to 5 businesses.
For those I Vancouver,

I can get the 2405FPW for $1299 including taxes and shipping with full warranty from dell canada.

PM me for details.
Just so everyone knows, Dell Canada's normal price for the 2405fpw (not sale price) is now 1399$ CAD, down from 1499$. If you can get a 15% off coupon, that would bring the price down to 1189.15$ before tax (free shipping) which is a pretty good deal considering what you are getting!
Decelerate said:
Where do I get a 15% coupon?

At that price I'm buying

I've heard some people getting them from Dell newsletters but it might take a while.
i got the monitor for 1370, with taxes and shipping, oh well, i just got that 10% coupon on software & perphierals* for signing up but never got it so i called and the guy said he would, i never asked about the 15% maybe i should have but oh well, i save some money.

Also did you guys get charged some $12 fee for some e-cycle or something? he was like its mandatory for all products cause of the government?
im so fr33kin tired of that dell.ca dsnt make ne good deals to us canadian custumer,i cant beleive that dell US offers 30% discount on the 2005fpw and we get a meger 10%. Ne1 know of ne good and valid coupons for .Ca that are more than 10%.
I was talking to my Dell rep I deal with with work and my brother friend who is also a sales corporate sales rep and they both said their is an impending "Deal of the Day" coming on these monitors around May 24...

I hope they are right! :eek:
ReVRiN!!! Really big thanks for your info!!!
I am really looking forward for some more hot deals on the LCDs...
(Missed the 2005FP for $599)
ReVRiN said:
I was talking to my Dell rep I deal with with work and my brother friend who is also a sales corporate sales rep and they both said their is an impending "Deal of the Day" coming on these monitors around May 24...

I hope they are right! :eek:

Oh MAN! I seriously hope it happens. :eek:
There will be MANY happy Canucks if it truely does