Low Profile Video Cards?


Dec 22, 2003
hey, ive got a huge comp project coming up and im wondering where i could get some good low profile video cards, like when installed on the mobo, no taller than a laying down psu, and not some POS card, preferable a 9600 and a 720o, and some other card that is a pos, but still lo profile.
thx -A|ex
the only low profile cards are the FX5200 and r9200, so no great performers there but the 5200 is the best
of course if you've got space in the other direction an AGP riser card would let you use a biggun
well it's probably not suitable because it's very long, you can get shorter ones that would kep the card close to the mobo, and ribbon ones which are more flexibe.
gf 4 ti 4200 or a 4800 maybe? I have seen the 4200 up against a 9800 and the 4200 is much much smaller.


PS dont buy those POS 5200's they're horrible for games.