lotro f2p changes in November patch


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 30, 2001
The November patch for lotro will allow f2p players to have access to Moria and Mirkwood, in addition to having the level cap raised to 65 (which is the highest level you can attain in game). f2p members will also be allowed to use legendary items.

Just a heads up. f2p players just got a whole lot more.
I have a Loremaster and they are getting some serious love with this patch. Looking forward to it.
Is LOTRO pretty casual friendly? I don't have a ton of time, but I'd love some story driven play with others every now and then.
Is LOTRO pretty casual friendly? I don't have a ton of time, but I'd love some story driven play with others every now and then.

It's super casual friendly. 95% of the epic quest line (which is the main quest line that drives the lore behind the actual book trilogy) can be soloed. I've soloed for the most part and am level 63. I've been playing a few hours here and there every week. My schedule doesn't allow for more than that.
Somewhat of a necro but I just put in some 20 hours into the new WoW expansion leveling a new toon and while it was fun it just didn't grab me. Had a look at LOTRO and will give it a try, heck it's free and I maybe get to win 100,000 turbine points.

I'd like to roll a healer, Minstrel seems to be the way to go but how is leveling with them since they don't seem to be a solo class? Should I go captain instead, or Runekeeper?
they are easy to level once you get warspeech. captains suck to level solo, very low DPS. RKs are high burst DPS and easy to level.
All classes can solo. A captain will do it slower in general. Minstrels can actually have good burst DPS, but they run out of "energy" quickly, but they solo fine. RKs level easy as well. I'd suggest reading each class description and go with which one sounds more fun to you.