Lost Planet: EC DirectX9 and D3D10 demo releasing tonight!

I played through both scenarios in the DirectX10 demo and I enjoyed it very much. The explosions
and snow were awesome. The snow was often "blinding", it was so hard to see through.

In the test I got 35 for Snow and 56 for cave. I was playing at 1600x1200 with most options set
to maximum. I left all graphics settings at default. I used the 158.43 Beta drivers for Vista 32
bit from the following page:
Does anyone know if there is a way to force 1440x900? Capcom are such half asses when it comes to PC games.
DX10 looks pretty damn good. Sadly, once I saw this will also be made for the 360 I lost hope immediately.
saw some gameplay vids on youtube. looked pretty good in dx10.... dx9 mode looked like socom, mgs, or any other 3rd person shooter that came before
I was blown away when I installed the DX10 demo version. I was running XP, but as soon as I saw the demo was available in DX10, I knew it was time to install my Vista that was collecting dust. And man, was it worth it!
Damn game almost made me late for work!
Can't wait. I am thinking I am gonna install vista on a small separate partition to start my own testing of games and programs while still keeping my XP install intacted.
Ding ding ding - We HAVE a winner.

I've already done this, so I can install this demo and check out DX10 goodness without worrying that the sucky DX9 Vista drivers will hose up all my other gaming still being done on XP.
I ran the demo @ 720P with 4XAF 8XAF DX9, and it runs great. I downloaded the 360 version just to compare the two, and there is no contest. At least on my setup the 360 version looks a lot better than its PC counterpart at the same resolution.
I ran the demo @ 720P with 4XAF 8XAF DX9, and it runs great. I downloaded the 360 version just to compare the two, and there is no contest. At least on my setup the 360 version looks a lot better than its PC counterpart at the same resolution.

Anyone have a comparison of visual quality between the 360 and the dx10 version? I, like, many others here, was surprised at the graphics in the dx10 version. I was also surprised I could run it at 40+fps on both demos with my 320mb gts.
how come i cant select 12x10 resolution? there must be a simple fix. thanks in advance
i dunno bout you guys but i still think tomb raider legends graphics are better then this well the graphics to preformance ratio is allot better in tomb raider specially next gen mode at 1920x1400.
I have a fatal error running the demo of lost planet. It is the Direct X 10 version.

I'm running Vista Home Premium w/ the Direct X April 2007 Update.

The error message is: Fatal Error Unknown Resolution of 1280x720. I can't even start the game.:mad:

I have this problem too, couldn't even install the game and I've googled the crap out of this error with no results. I've tried everything and couldn't get it to install...I posted a thread in the PC Gaming area over here and it was useless with 0 replies, kinda like we're getting now.

I deleted the demo and guess I'll wait for the official game hopefully get things worked out by then. Wait, that's probably a bad idea. If I can't get the demo to run, I won't buy the game, lol.
Am I the only one who notices (or is getting) some input lag?

There's some definite lag when you spin around, sure it's small, but it's enough to make the whole play experience redundant to me.

I'm playing the dx9 version and yes my system is old, but it handles it well on reasonable settings. Motion blur on or off there's definite input lag. Anyone who's any good at CS or any 'twitchy' FPS game will notice it instantly.

Any seasoned CS players noticing this? or is it my system?

Just feels like another cruddy console port. And the game just doesn't appear to be anything special. Easy to kill and hopeless AI scream of console kiddiness. And there's an auto aim option as well. Says it all.

p.s. I have vsync off (as always), the input lag feels like just the way the game has been prioritised.

I'm a UT2k4 junkie and definately noticed it. I was very underwhelmed by the gameplay. Eye candy is definately there but it feels so much like a straight port from the console that 15mins of demo was enough for me. Thumbs down :eek: