Looking ofr a decent 2.0 (2.1?) setup


Sep 27, 2005
Hi guys. My nearly 10-year old harman/kardon speakers are dieing, and I'm in a need of a replacement.

I'm not looking for shelf speakers/amps/receivers/etc. Mostly due to the very limited space and I really don't want to deal with it. I just want to be able to plug them in, and call it a day.

I would love for it to be a simple 2.0, but if the quality of a similarly priced 2.1 setup is that much better than I will consider that as well. The budget is $100-$150. I guess I could go up to $200 if necessary, but I'd rather not.

This is primarily for gaming, secondary for movies. Music? Not so much. Once in a while I'll play an online radio or something, but that's about it.
How much space do you have?

Look at the AudioEngine A2, Creative T40 Series II. Do you want to go bigger?

What H/K speakers did you have? 2.0, 2.1? I'm guessing it came with a Dell?
^Yes, they came with a Dell. The fact that you know that scares me a little :D And it is a 2.0, not sure which model it is.

As for the size, I can go a little bigger than the Creative T40 Series II, I just don't want the "bookshelf size" speakers.
^That's it.

The sound was satisfactory. I've had it for 10 years, so I guess in a way, I've never really experienced anything better. I'd love an upgrade (assuming the budget is enough).

This will be paired up with ASUS Xonar DX
Try out the T20's or T40's you might like them. They should be a step up from the H/K speakers. Although I think those old H/K's actually sounded pretty great for free speakers.
For your price point you may as well snag a z623 (or a z2300 if you can find one) but they don't sound the best tons of bass for the price though. I would save your money and buy the corsair sp2500 these speakers destroy the logitech systems for games.