Looking for online backup solution

Dec 11, 2001
Hey everyone,
I have spent the last 3 days reading up on loads of different onlinline backup companies.
The internet really does have hundereds of them...

Anyway, I wanted to get some feedback from people who use these things and see if i could find ones i missed in my searching.

The main points is that we do backups for lots of small companies. so we need a nightly backup that then shuts down the PC after its finished. A good portal that shows when each PC would be fantastic.

Key points needed are
  • Supports multiple computers
  • Shuts down the PC after use
  • writes to the windows event logs
  • has options for SQL

If i can tick all those boxes, and of course get plenty of space im laughing!
Any insight then?

If you want to do this as a service for other companies....look into Intronis.
Marley1, as well as myself, have signed up as resellers of their service. Intronis is a service for resellers only.
They have a nice portal so you can manage all your clients and get a good "dashboard view". And clients can log into their own account and view things. Also good e-mail notification each day.
The only thing I'm not sure about, is the option to shut down the PC when done...I've never had a need to look for that feature.
Thanks Stonecat,
The shutdown isn't too esential as that is easiily scripted.
however does it wrtie to the event logs? Thats needed for out remote managment system to keep tracks on it.

And any ideas on pricing? Their online chat seems to be down.
