looking for good multiplayer fps


Aug 2, 2002
all i have on my new rig is HL2 and CS:S. im looking to buy another multiplayer FPS that is popular and fun. i havent played BF2 or BF2142. which is more popular or should i buy something else?
If you never tried Unreal Tournament 99 you can try that. The game play is great even compared to modern FPS.. You should get BF2 too.
all i have on my new rig is HL2 and CS:S. im looking to buy another multiplayer FPS that is popular and fun. i havent played BF2 or BF2142. which is more popular or should i buy something else?

FEAR Combat (it's free)

Prey is amazingly fun in MP IMHO.

Also, my all time favorite and still quite popular: Enemy Territory. Best MP FPS I have ever played.
If you never tried Unreal Tournament 99 you can try that. The game play is great even compared to modern FPS.. You should get BF2 too.

Go for BF2142 not BF2... BF2142 is about 5X better... and another really good FPS is CSS. But yeah BF2 is suck's it was good at the time.. But BF2142 is like a whole new game much much better..
I enjoy both BF2 and BF2142. As far as BF2142 being 5x better, I think the numbers tell a different story:


About twice as many people play BF2 as BF2142. Both games have demos. Download them both and see which games fits your style of play better.
Dare I say Shadowrun??

I just started playing it and actually think it's pretty damn fun. Although it may not yet fit your criteria of "popular". =/
Does anyone play BF1942 anymore? I know it's not 2142, but I'm not up on that futuristic stuff and I used to love playing BF1942. I'd recommend that for old school goodness.
iam thinking about getting day of defeat how is this game ??
worth getting ?

iam not getting shadowrun becuase it appears you have to pay to play
DoD: Source is a great game, It boggles my mind when i try to find out why its not as popular as some other games such as CoD2.
I play day of defeat source all the time. I think its a great game. Action packed, cool guns, great maps. The flag capturing system makes the combat more interesting than CS:S (to me anyway). Plenty of people playing.
oh, tribes 2 all the way! :D

I play alot of BF 2142 and enjoy it very much, download the demo and see if you like it.
DoD: Source is a great game, It boggles my mind when i try to find out why its not as popular as some other games such as CoD2.

I play this online somtimes because it came along with my CS:S , I enjoy it.Not bad.
Bf2 is still ok fun but it really is too easy. 2142 is gimped and sluggish.

COD2 and FEAR Combat are the two best imo.
i use to play COD1 multi all the time it was fun one of my fav i never tried cod2 multi
is the graphics better than DOD ?

i got a 8800GTS 640mb
well after buying DOD:S last night i am happy with the purchase it has all the same great maps from the previous dod. avalanche FTW!
lol why ive beaten cod2 single player
so i know a little about the game never played multi i need a cdkey
also i read cod2 has 5 game modes in multi
graphics loook like they are better than DODS
Just saying...unless you've played BOTH. seems foolish to just automatically follow the first guy to respond to your questions opinion.
never played DODS

DODS seems like CS w/ WW2 theme i dunnno

COD2 has stellar graphics and sound multi sounds awesome
Red Orchestra is a pretty good WW2 shooter, you can get if off steam for a 20$ , its well worth it IMO , pretty realistic aslwell, its a bit slower paced then most first person shooters , but somtimes thats a welcome change of pace. check it out.
which game will look better on my 24inch LG Widescreen and a 8800GTS
the scenery /towns /buildings in COD2 are verry nice go for it you will be happy.

Its been noted as one of the better multiplayers , a ton of people still play.
never played DODS

DODS seems like CS w/ WW2 theme i dunnno

COD2 has stellar graphics and sound multi sounds awesome

Not at all. The pacing of the two games is completely different because of the spawning system. They dont have the same objectives (DoD is based around capturing points on the map), and the weapons handle completely different. Also DoD is based on classes and not a money system like CS:S. The quality of the maps in DoD:S is also much higher than CS IMO.
COD2 is a more FUN fps than DoD. DoD can turn into a campfest quick due to the smaller map sizes.

Graphics are a tossup but I prefer some of the mods on Fk's #4 mod server. I play 1920x1200 w/ supersampling 16af/ 2xaa on an 8800GTS but plan on bumping that to 8xaa when I get the GTX.
COD2 is a more FUN fps than DoD. DoD can turn into a campfest quick due to the smaller map sizes.

Graphics are a tossup but I prefer some of the mods on Fk's #4 mod server. I play 1920x1200 w/ supersampling 16af/ 2xaa on an 8800GTS but plan on bumping that to 8xaa when I get the GTX.

Not to keep on sounding like a fanboy (I could really care less what you guys are playing). But the servers that I play in are generally packed at 16vs16. Theyre always chaotic with people moving around everywhere and lots of things going on. Never considered it to be a "campy" game. Unlike CS which is immensely conducive to camping given the nature of bombsites and hostages that need defending.
UT99 and UT2004 are still fun, have a massive mod community, as well as a number of well populated servers.. It is still not hard to find a populated Quake3 server either..
i bougth DODS

it looked more fun i guess for multiplayer
ive played COD2 singleplayer and it was more money
DODS looked better with ragdoll physics and HDR lighting