Looking for contract workers - web design (Flash, Photoshop, PHP, SQL etc.)


Jun 22, 2005
Well, I'm not even sure if I can post this, but since this might help a fellow [H]'er out there who's a bit hard up on money, hopefully I don't get in trouble :)

Basically I'm looking for people to contract work out to. I am the owner of a web design firm and I'm finding that I have more on my plate than I can handle alone, so I'm seeing if there's anyone out there who's looking to make some quick cash by producing web designs for me.

The Pay
Typically you'll be earning 500-1000 for each design. Could be a lot more if its a large flash project though.

What you will be doing:
Primarily producing web designs. I'm mainly looking for people to simply create the graphics, the "shell" of the websites. I may require you to actually produce the whole website start to finish as well, depending on circumstances.

- You MUST be 18 or older, no exceptions.
- You MUST be a resident of Canada, or the USA.
- Very advanced Photoshop, Flash, and HTML, as well as basic PHP and SQL knowledge.

How to apply:
- Send an email to [email protected] with minimum 3 or more examples of your work. Please provide me with links to actual sites on the internet, do not email me 58mb files. I don't care about your qualifications, you can have 45 PH.D's and I won't care. It's all about whether or not your designs look good.

I look forward to hearing from some of you [H]'ers out there, I hope I came to the right place :)
Well to be honest I'd rather see people's work first and then if I'm interested in them give them more details, as it stands right now I'd rather my company remain anonymous for a while.