Looking for a phone.


[H]F Junkie
Nov 17, 2012
Just looking for something that I can install Spotify and gps onto. Carrier doesn't matter. won't even get a sim card. No cracked screens. Still holds a charge. Preferably 4gb+ of ram and 16gb of on board space. Must be able to have a micro sd card. anyone got anything kicking around they want to get rid of? thanks.

oh, no Apple.
I think I have an old Pixel, that you can have for free plus shipping. I don't think it has a micro Sd card though. Even has a Day Dream VR headset if you want.
I think I have an old Pixel, that you can have for free plus shipping. I don't think it has a micro Sd card though. Even has a Day Dream VR headset if you want.
Doesn't need to come with a micro sd, just able to have one plugged in.

Any idea what model it is? I used an S5 but it only had 2gb of ram. It couldn't keep up with gps and Spotify running anymore.

but yea, that's all I'm looking for. a basic phone.