Looking for a computer sound "solution"


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 6, 2002
Not sure what the correct term would be, but I chose "solution" since I need almost everything. First, here's what I have:

-DT770's, Shure E4c, Koss KSC-75's
-custom built pc with a Gigabyte EX58-UD4P mobo (in sig)

What I want:

-sound card
-headphone amp/dac to connect to pc

No speakers as of right now, but I'm looking for some good computer speakers (only 2, not a 5.1 setup), a sound card (don't know how good the integrated one is compared to whats out there in terms of dedicated cards) and a headphone amp/dac combo to connect my headphones to. Now, I know some sound cards have headphone amps integrated - but I don't know how good they are. Secondly, I want to be able to keep headphones and speakers hooked up and switch between the two easily (or, have one of those front panel connectors for the sound card to plug my headphones in to), that way I dont have to constantly be going back there just to unhook my headphones if I want to listen to the speakers.

Finally, the set up will be used for music, movies and gaming - a fair mix of the three. Games-wise, it's mainly RPG's, FPS's and MMO's. Budget is b/w 300-500 dollars. If you guys can make any suggestions, that would be great :)
...not sure I would purchase a product with the name fubar. It could be a sign. :p
I only have good things to say about the Fubar III. However, it's best coupled with passive speakers, rather than active. I'm having to juggle volume levels with my AV-40 every time I change audio sources.