Lookin for a suggestion


Sep 19, 2002
So long story short I fried my mobo a bit ago and replaced it with an MSI P965 Neo and unless I'm just missing some sort of major bios update, this thing is a piece of trash and I've had nothing but problems. So my plan is to return in and get a new one but I'm lookin for some suggestions. Heres pretty much all I need:

LGA 775
At least 2 PCI slots
PCI-Expressx16 for vid card
At least 5 SATA slots (6 if possible)

Also here are a few that I was looking at but I get mixed opinions from the reviews:

Any suggestions among the ones I'm lookin at or possibly other ideas would be great. Thanks.
Yeah the abit IP35 was the one i was leaning towards the most. Glad to hear good things bout it, guess i'll go with that. Thanks.
I also have the ABit IP35-E and it is running perfectly. No problems with the initial install, I'm also running a E6550 @ 2.8Ghz on a Thermalright Ultra Extreme and just to clarify, the heatsink fits perfectly.
Quick question about that abit iP35. I was looking at the board's pics and I see it has an 8 pin cpu power connector. I'm pretty sure my PSU doesn't have that (http://www.antec.com/specs/true550_spe.html) so i was wondering is that required? Or just incase i was OCing or something and it needed more power?
Only way to find out mate is to try the PSU, all new motherboards are foreseen for an 8 pin connector, some though work fine too with a 4 pin one... but it's always better to have an 8 pin one surely when overclocking....
Yeah, i just have one of the 4 pin's. I guess i'll just try it out and worst case-scenario I craigslist a newer PSU. Might be my excuse to finally upgrade to a modular psu.
You'll be fine without it. Most motherboards come with a sticker over 4 of the pins anyway.