Logitech Z-680 5.1 and Audigy LS


Aug 31, 2004

How do I connect the Z-680s to the Audigy LS sound card on my PC... using digital (optical)...

does anyone know how , and what cables i would need.. and any other stuff i may need..

What about using coaxial ?? What would I need in order to get it set up ??
I dont' think there is a rig up for optical, however, you can get a mono minijack to RCA wire from like Radioshack and connect coaxial through that. Works fine as i've done it before. I have the wire under my bed right now :). I'd just use the analog for the Audigy LS though, so you get the full 5.1 through your games. Digital doesn't really sound any different (or better).
Yeh... but to get full Digital Dolby should use digital connection rite ?
I din know that...

Well, i managed to hook it up thru Coaxial... however, i can't use 5.1 for games that support it ??? just 2.1 ??

so what do you guys recommend ??
USE THE ANALOG. Real simple; the audigy can only pass through 5.1 on digital, it cannot encode it; means you only get 2.1 through digital unless you are passing through say a dvd sound track. Just use the Audigy's decoding ability here and get all 6 channels through analog, you will be fine.
I also have the 680's and I use the optical input when I'm watching a DVD (PowerDVD outputs through SPDIF) and I use the analog 5.1 connection for games and music. Best of both worlds :cool:
Well, it depends on which Audigy you have; with the 2 ZS I would prefer to use it's DAC's to convert over the ones Logitech loaded in the 680'z. Better DAC's == better sound all other things being equal and sound being good enough to matter,
Hmm.. Maybe i'm a bit naive or deaf (probably both), but I couldn't tell the difference switching between the two (analog and digital) on my z680's. The analog seems slightly louder if anything. They both sound pretty good.
bboynitrous said:
Hmm.. Maybe i'm a bit naive or deaf (probably both), but I couldn't tell the difference switching between the two (analog and digital) on my z680's. The analog seems slightly louder if anything. They both sound pretty good.

They should; it's a technicality more than anything. I'd just use analog so I wouldn't have to fiddle with settings.
Thanks.. currently i'm using analog for music and games... and using SPDIF passthrough for DVD using powerdvd...

is audigy LS' dolby decoding better than the z-680s ??? or vice versa ???
silvest said:
Thanks.. currently i'm using analog for music and games... and using SPDIF passthrough for DVD using powerdvd...

is audigy LS' dolby decoding better than the z-680s ??? or vice versa ???

Dolby decoding should be the same, it's the digital to analog conversion that the Audigy should have the Logitech's beat on. But I really don't think it would matter for Dolby stuff, because that's not that high quality to begin with (Dolby is essentially CD audio in 5.1, but compressed). Music is where you'd hear the difference, so it really doesn't matter (again, just a technical point).
Yeah, I use analog so I can game in the full 6 channels. It's great. I prefer it over the 2.1 :)
Hmm.. is it just me, or is it that when using ANALOG direct connection, the surround speakers are weak ??

Maybe it's just the AUdigy LS??

I find that when using Stereo x 2 effect, the sound quality is much better than using direct 6channel.. :(
Unfortunately, there's no sound from the center speaker..
if ur listening to mp3's, then there wont be as there is no center channel, the stereo x2 effect duplicates the left and right channels to the back left and back right channels respectively
silvest said:
Hmm.. is it just me, or is it that when using ANALOG direct connection, the surround speakers are weak ??

Maybe it's just the AUdigy LS??

I find that when using Stereo x 2 effect, the sound quality is much better than using direct 6channel.. :(
Unfortunately, there's no sound from the center speaker..

By default they should be off. I'm not sure what CMSS versions that LS card hsa on it. But there is a Stereox2 type on my Audigy 2 ZS that gives me all 5 speakers + the sub. I don't like music coming from the center though. There is also a classic mode which makes the rear speakers weak. Not sure why, that's just the way it's programmed. It kind of balances the sound. It does not sound right so I do not use it.. I use stereo for music as I prefer the sound of it much more.
Okiess... I'm not sure what CMSS version it is... but without it, there won't be 5 speakers working with mp3s (direct 5channel analog)...
So, i'm just leaving it at direct connection :)
Oh, and does anyone know why is it that the subwoofer is stronger when i use Stereo / stereo x2 ,compared to the rest of the other effects ??
CMSS is the creative multispeaker surround sound option avalible in the EAX options. Mine has Classic upmix, DVD upmix, and a stereo surround option. Classic takes away from the quality of the music in my opinion. They all do really. Stereo OWNS :D
Oh, and does anyone know why is it that the subwoofer is stronger when i use Stereo / stereo x2 ,compared to the rest of the other effects ??
Oh wellz... found that it was cos of the equaliser.. :p

So, Stereo x 2 mode sounds fantastic without the help of any equalisers :) except that can't get any sound from the center speaker that's all... If i use direct analog connection, all 5 speakers work, but the quality is no where as good as stereo x 2 mode..

Would there be any difference between "stereo x 2" connection using analog or digital coax ??