logitech G7


Oct 25, 2006
Hi guys just a heads up for anyone thinking of getting the G7 mouse, i got mine about 3 weeks ago and for two weeks it worked like a charm and I was more then happy, then one day all of a sudden it started freezing up and basically acting as if the battery was low but it wasnt and i even tried the second fully charged and same thing. I looked into it and found that on the logitech forums this problem has been happening to quite a few people after a couple weeks of use or so. I am in the middle of dealing with their support for a replacement but its a major pain i reset the signal etc followed all the steps and same problem so just a heads up if your thinking of buying one.
Mine was the green and silver one and some people on forums said that was the one with issuses so could be just bad luck but either way look into it before you buy just incase.
As for the battery life i have heard good things about the 1000 and the revolution for lasting really long but with the G7 although you never run out of battery having 2 it can be a bit of a pain changing it every 5 hours or so of hardcore gaming but overall not that big a deal really just wish it lasted a bit longer.
Anyways I am looking into trading in my new one i get back for possibley a 1000 or revolution but if it didn't have that problem i would say the G7 for movement and button setup etc are all very nice.
If anyone has a revolution or the 1000 and game with it let me know what you think, take care guys.
watch out for logitech support.... I was told that I had a new mouse being sent to me cause this one's scroll wheel is all messed up... well been like 3 weeks so I called back... they totally changed thier story and are now refusing to send a replacement mouse. so, I dug out my razor mouse and havent looked back.
Your must just defective, and I think you would have no problem getting a new one if you tried. Contrary to the previous poster's thoughts on logitech's customer support, they are the most excellent company to deal with I've ever seen. I have both a G7 and a G15, and have had absolutely no hardware issues with either.
My G15, however, came with the label sticker missing on the top right, i called Logitech and asked for a simple sticker replacement since the big bar of blue light got rather annoying. The guy got my address and information, and then told me i'd be sent a whole new keyboard. The conversation was like:

Me: "umm. all i need is a sticker, not a whole new keyboard
Him: "We aren't able to ship just a sticker, so we'll have dhl deliver you a replacement in 5-7 days"
Me: "..... Ok.... How do I ship my other back to you?"
Him: "Oh. just throw it away"

Going through hoops, sending me a whole new keyboard, and not even bothering to make me waste time and money shipping mine back is one reason I think logitechs support is near the top, were it any other company I probably would have been SOL. Either you had a bad csr (call back) or something else is wrong that isnt getting explained.
yeah you could be right i have never had a wireless mouse before i always used logitech though in the past, just after 2 weeks for it to start to malfunction I thought maybe bad luck but i saw quite a few posts of the same problem. On a whole it may just be the few bad luck cases that people posted and maybe most are happy, I am not sure i just thought to give a heads up incase somebody was thinking of getting one to maybe read some of the logitech forums seeing how it happend to me and others after only a few weeks old.
Just wanted to share my experience.
i had the teal one originally and after a month it wouldn't maintain a connection to the base station. I called and told them my problem and they immediately agreed to send a replacement. When i called back, they said messed up that order and then i got the mouse a week after i called the second time. I got the black carbon one as a replacement and its been at least 6 months without any problems.
Ya Reil that's what i heard also was that the black ones were ok it was the teal and silver ones that seemed to be buggy. Thanks for the post i knew i wasn't totally crazy hehe, i have yet to get my replacement but i will post the outcome soon i hope.
Mine has worked flawlessly from day one. (very dark green and silver)

That said, I believe my batteries are starting to wear out. Just sent an e-mail to logitech asking them what to do.
I have a Logitech G7 that I gave to my sister, I've had it for... probably over a year now? Something like that, and it's worked fine.