Liquid Cooling


Limp Gawd
Aug 6, 2004
If you order a pre-built PC online and it has liquid cooling could it freeze during shipment?

I have seen both home and business desktops from HP feature this option now. Living a cold climate region I am curious about this happening.

Very interesting question.

I'd assume the liquid they use is not pure water. Any additives will lower the freezing point. Just how much depends on the concentration, but if I had to guess I'd say maybe 5degF. So you're safe down to 25-30 degrees F maybe. Also depends how long it's in the truck/plane and unheated warehouse at those temps. Might take a day at those temps to cool off the entire truck's contents.

Do you have any more specs of these systems? Curious what a mainstream manufacturer is using for their "liquid cooling" options.

EDIT: how does Corsair et. al. ship their H100's, etc.? Never seems to be a problem getting those to IL/WI...
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