Line/Signal Degridation?


Limp Gawd
Sep 18, 2002
If I were to run a CAT-5 line from my router to my computer 45-50 ft away would I expereience a noticeable amount of degridation in speed and quality from the length of the cord?
No you shouldnt. The max is around 328ft. Just dont run it over any flourescent lighting, behind a microwave, over a blast fournace, under a nuclear reactor, etc etc.
50ft is nothing for Ethernet. I've made runs before over 400ft and it still worked just fine. Just dont run it near the things Boscoh mentioned, especially the flourescent lights, and dont put it where it'll get walked on which would screw up the number of twists per inch the wires have.
Originally posted by Boscoh
No you shouldnt. The max is around 328ft. Just dont run it over any flourescent lighting, behind a microwave, over a blast fournace, under a nuclear reactor, etc etc.

Dammit, I know I should've gone around that reactor!