Lightning gun in ut2k4 demo!


Dec 15, 2003
anyone else wish it was a instant hit?, its such a pain to hit guys at long distances if there moving and jumping and strafing as you gotta aim 3 feet ahead of the guy :eek:

they gotta make it awp style, so i can start rackin in all the kills

and besides theres nothing like taking a guy out in mid air:D
where's the fun in that? sorta like in AVP when the predator had the unstoppable disc.

go practice with the lightning gun some more than come back to us.

in CTF i rule with the lightning gun. you're right it is hella fun to hit a guy in mid-air, or right arund a corner, or when you're gettin away with the flag and they're all chasin ya and ya take out two of em with great lightning shots. but that's half the fun!
I wouldn't go as far as turn it into a hit-scan weapon, but something more like the Railgun from q3, which was technically a projectile. Definately not something like an AWP as body movement doesn't have any (or very little) affect on accuracy, at least from what I can tell.

Though that said, playing through the ut2k4 demo for a bit, I am rather disappointed with the sluggishness of the lightning gun... oh well.
its controlled well...most other games have a unbalanced, piece of cake, n00b cannon as a sniper rifle**

see call of duty, counter-strike, etc
I have no problem hitting people on the run with the lightning gun

I would assume that you will also have to lead your targets with the sniper rifle

great demo

been playing it a lot
I think the two problems people new to the lightning gun have is the fact that the fire animation makes the shot look off target. You'll see the lightning animation jag off to the right or left...but you just need to remember that the shot went to wherever your crosshair was. Problem two is some people don't realize that there is alot of give w/ the lightning gun in terms of aim. IMO, it seems the there is about an inch from the left and right sides of the crosshair that the lightning gun will consider on target. What I mean is that I make shots all time time where my victim is standing still, yet my aim has been off a bit to the left and right...but I still get the hit.

I don't think it would be a good idea to make the lightning gun a one-hit killer...I do, however, think they could speed up the fire rate just a little bit.

Try playing the Assault demo...there is an ok sniper rifle in there, much like original UT...just not as accurate and with MUCH slower fire rate.
And on another note, does this game have headshots? I have never once heard it say headshot but I have hit people in the head with the lightning gun tons of times.
Originally posted by falker
anyone else wish it was a instant hit?, its such a pain to hit guys at long distances if there moving and jumping and strafing as you gotta aim 3 feet ahead of the guy :eek:

they gotta make it awp style, so i can start rackin in all the kills

and besides theres nothing like taking a guy out in mid air:D

Heaven forbid you'd have to learn to lead the target.
I find it highly useful for picking off those turds who feel like it's their purpose in life to squat on top of the middle tower and fire redeemer missiles at the rest of the map all game long...
yes headshots are in the game. Only played teh demo for about an hour or so and raked in a few nice ones... on anotehr note.. I hadnt noticed that the lg isnt a hitscan weapon... is this a change from ut2k3? i dont remember...
Originally posted by Staples
And on another note, does this game have headshots? I have never once heard it say headshot but I have hit people in the head with the lightning gun tons of times.

Yup...there is...I know this because I got a nade stuck to my coconut last night and got smeared all over my own core...

I loled...
Originally posted by {EB}NuTSymPToM{EB}
its controlled well...most other games have a unbalanced, piece of cake, n00b cannon as a sniper rifle**

see call of duty, counter-strike, etc

yeah realistic hit damage is a bitch isn't it:p
I head shot cock suckers that camp on top of the mountain with the missile launcher. Also use if for Raptors if Im on the ground.
Originally posted by Staples
And on another note, does this game have headshots? I have never once heard it say headshot but I have hit people in the head with the lightning gun tons of times.

i have had several headshots.
yea its not like i hate it, like the lightning gun is still my gun of choice, but man its gonna be a hard switch from cs over to ut2k4, but i think i found the next game for me
just hope it has the competitive level like cs does, with CAL, CPL WCG etc.. competitive play is what keeps me commin back to play over and over.

but theres something about the awp that just keeps me commin back, i think its just the ability to hit guys jump peekin over a corner, and thos real priceless shots dunno.. it will just take some gettin used too:D
I think the lightning gun is an example of a balanced sniper rifle. adds a lot more to gameplay
if there never was another AWP style weapon in any shooting game, i'd be a very happy boy. this demo kicks ass. i think i'll be overloaded when the actual game comes out, and there will be a billion more maps to play
haha man i love the lightning gun on the CTF map. i saw about 5 of em making off with our flag. i took out two from across the gap. then teleporter closer and picked off the remaining three and returned our flag. greatest moment in my ut2k4 world.
Originally posted by Typical Gamer
I head shot cock suckers that camp on top of the mountain with the missile launcher. Also use if for Raptors if Im on the ground.

LoL, does the Avril camping up top bug you? Hah!, That's all I do is shoot down dudes with that thing from up there.
Well apparently they added the original sniper back into 2k4 right? That's instant hit. I coudln't find it in the demo but it should be in the retail version. You'll probably ditch the lightning gun for that. I will be original UT, it was my favorite gun next to the shock rifle.
Originally posted by Syn57
Well apparently they added the original sniper back into 2k4 right? That's instant hit. I coudln't find it in the demo but it should be in the retail version. You'll probably ditch the lightning gun for that. I will be original UT, it was my favorite gun next to the shock rifle.

It's on the assault map.
Originally posted by Syn57
Well apparently they added the original sniper back into 2k4 right? That's instant hit. I coudln't find it in the demo but it should be in the retail version. You'll probably ditch the lightning gun for that. I will be original UT, it was my favorite gun next to the shock rifle.

its not instant hit. The firing rate is alot slower from the original UT...and the round doesn't do as much damage.
the AWP is the one hit sniper rifle in cs. the arctic warfare magnum. I have no clue what AWP stands for
arctic warfare pistol

there was a pistol model for the stuck to AWP...
it is artic warfare police not pistol
IIRC the AWP is actually 7.62x51 (308 winchester), but CS uses the .338 Laupa which is the arctic warfare magnum.

I can hit fairly accurate with the LG, but the damn streak give you away so much!

I hate the bots that can see for a mile and hit with the damn shock rifle.
they gotta make it awp style, so i can start rackin in all the kills

because real awp bullets move at the speed of light... right?


i swear to god i hate computer games.
as for long distance shooting i really like using the goliath's machine gun, it zooms in as much or more than the lightning gun and has high rate of fire.