
Limp Gawd
Mar 14, 2007
Hi All,

Caught this review on the interwebs and it peaked my interest:

I am still in love with my dead mx510, but have tried to move onto a CM Storm Sentinel, it was just 'ok'.

Anyone know where I might be able to pick one of these up? I have not had much luck tracking one down. :(

Additionally, if anyone has used this first-hand and can share their thoughts/impressions, good or bad, that would be appreciated!

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performance-pcs.com unfortunately only has the Kone, not the Kone+. I had toyed with the idea of getting a Kone in the past, but the issues that many reported plauging it left me looking elsewhere ultimately. (Build quality, in particular the middle mouse button breaking quickly)

They are supposedly fixed with the Kone+ that you have linked, but eh... my Tactx suits me just fine for the time being.

If you love the MX510, have you considered picking up a MX518? They are very similar and I enjoyed my MX518 greatly before switching. Still have it for nostalgia purposes. :)
My wife has one, she likes it. I prefer my Mionix Naos 5000 personally, but the Kone is a good mouse.
I gamed on my Kone for the past 10 months with no ill effects. I love both my roccat mice.
I think the original Kone has a 2nd version which had a 'fixed' middle mouse button. It was packaged in a more plane looking box and that's how you could tell if it's the newer edition or not. I'm pretty sure medusa has the new ones since they just recently stocked them, not sure about performance-pcs
Sounds right up my alley, I agree with you - a 3rd thumb button would be welcome by my standards as well. Time for an early x-mas gift from (To Santa, from Santa) hehehe :D