Leaving computer on continuously


Limp Gawd
Jan 19, 2004
What are the advantages and disadvantages of leaving your computer on 24/7?

I heard that it's better for the CPU because it damages the CPU everytime the computer boots from a cold start.

However I didn't hear the other half of the story since I don't know if it can negatively or positively affect other hardwares such as the HD, video card, ram, etc.
leaving it on is perfectly fine.

lots of people leave their cpu's at full load 24/7 due to Folding@Home.
rayman2k2 said:
leaving it on is perfectly fine.

lots of people leave their cpu's at full load 24/7 due to Folding@Home.

May I ask what "Folding@Home" is?

Another thing I noticed is from the usual 0%-1% CPU load, now it jumps anywhere from 0% all the way to 18%, never stable at a certain load. I've already scanned for spywares and viruses, can this be a sign of an aging CPU?
Advantages: no waiting to boot the system, possibly longer component lifetime
Disadvantages: slightly higher power bill

Turning on your system every time doesn't 'damage' your cpu (or any component) per-say, rather, when you turn on your PC all of the components are jolted with electricity which may shorten the lifetime of the components.

Computer components have a pretty long lifetime though so this lifetime shortening will not affect you at all unless you decide to keep your system for a looooooooong time.

Every system I've owned I've keep on 24/7 and I have incurred no problems at all.
eLus1ve said:
May I ask what "Folding@Home" is?

Another thing I noticed is from the usual 0%-1% CPU load, now it jumps anywhere from 0% all the way to 18%, never stable at a certain load. I've already scanned for spywares and viruses, can this be a sign of an aging CPU?

Folding@Home is a program that processes protein strands which may lead to a cure for cancer. There's also Seti@Home which analyzes radio waves coming from space for signs of other life.

No, your CPU is not aging, that is perfectly fine.
Thanks for the reponses. I guess there really isn't a disadvantage for me since I'm in a dorm room.
Thermal cycling seems to me to be the biggest concern. If you have a mechanical device that goes thru a heat/cool cycle you are contributing to the fatigue of the system (function of cycles) leave it on, and you negate the repetitive heating/cooling cycles that mechanically strain components. This includes all of those microsopic traces in the chips.
Unless you plan on keeping your comp for more than 10 years you dont have to worry about it. I have a gateway with a P3 in it that is 5-6 years old and is still chugging along I have a friend that is still using a 8 year old computer and I just got given an old Pentium Pro server that runs fine.

I shut mine off at night just because its right underneath my loft and the sound of the fans drive me nuts.
I've run my PC 24/7 for a few years now and it hasnt failed yet.
Check every month or 2 for dust buildup wherever there is a fan.
If you have the PC raised off the floor it will be subject to much less dust.
I havent't turned my computer off in months heh

It's perfectly fine to keep running all the time. I couldn't picture not leaving it running 24/7.
If we were still in the bad old days of Windows 98, you'd all be singing a different tune.

I run my MythTV box 24/7, and the only problem is the slight increase in the power bill, which I consider offset by being able to record stuff at 0-dark-hundred hours. If my computer isn't doing something worthwhile (like playing games, music, or otherwise serving me hand and foot) it gets turned off to save power.

There isn't really any major incentive either way. If circumstances require 24/7 operation, go for it. Unless you're running Black Label Deltas.
If you have a Prescott based system, leaving it ON all the time will help in heating the room :)

Turning computers off frequently does not affect anything if they have uncorrupted system files. Once I was working at a place (obviously Gov.) where, in one office, they used 5-6 desktop computers and left them ON all the time even if they are not used for weeks. One day I asked somebody to turn some of them OFF for the weekend. Next Monday, two of them were dead, means never turned ON again. Thay had to reinstall OS on those (corrupted system files and some other unknown issues). I couldn't learn what exactly happened because I didn't go to that office again for couple of weeks (they were waiting to meet me - the "smart guy"). ;) BTW: Those were running on Windows 95, 98 and 3.11.
Down here in Florida I recommend that people turn them off when not using and unplug them when they're not going to be home for long periods of time. Why? Lightning storms! People leaving their gear on accounts for a good chunk of our business.
alan.p said:
If we were still in the bad old days of Windows 98, you'd all be singing a different tune.
My Win98se box ran 24/7 for 4 yrs while I had it. :D I had it rebooting in less than 30seconds whenever needed ;)
enginurd said:
What? these things turn off?!?!?!? LIES!!!! ALL LIES!!!!


I feel kind of funny if I turn mine off.... My current desktop has been on 24/7 for almost 3 years... not counting the occasional re-start, but other than that, 24/7 with no problems.