Leaking caps?


Jun 26, 2006
I just recently started having problems with my Epox 8rda+. When it POSTS, VDD voltage is in red... and gets as low as 1.26v For awhile I couldn't boot into windows, but fixed this by disconnecting one of my 3 hard drives.

I thought it could be a power problem, but I'm using a 400W powersupply... and that should be sufficient for my rig.

I also noticed an orange discoloration on the tops of the capacitors on my board.

Should I buy a new powersupply, or is the problem more likely the motherboard?

Thanks for your help.
Power supply dude. What brand is it? A good 300 Watt PSU is better than a 500 Watt POS.
What's the model on the Antec, and can you take pictures of the Caps? If the caps look like they're "bulging" at the tops, then you have a motherboard problem. You can check your PSU out, but I doubt it, Antec is generally pretty reliable.
gigantorebirdie said:
If it's included w/ the case it should probably be replaced ;)


Antec includes great PSU's with thier cases.
Had the same problem myself with an old AOpen mobo, turned out it was the caps. I ended up desoldering them, finding replacements with the same values and then soldering the new ones back on. Fixed my problem :)
If your capacitors are leaking, the problem would obviously be the motherboard... I really find it funny that people are pointing to the PSU as a problem. The 8rda+ was NOTORIOUS for leaking caps. Epox had a hell of a time replacing all those boards...

As far as replacing the caps on your board, if you are handy with a soldering iron...


There's a pretty basic guide... Basically all you have to do is find caps that fit, that are of the same capacitance (check voltage ratings, too, obviously)
and drop the replacements in. If you can get the parts needed as samples, it'll be pretty cheap, if not free to fix. If you can't solder, find a friend that can, hook him up with a couple of beers (probably best to do this afterwards) and profit :)

Good luck, the 8rda+ is really an awesome board, too bad Epox dropped the ball on the bad caps, but I guess they didn't know it was going to happen.
Does the orange crap look like this?


Antec includes great PSU's with thier cases.
Antec power supplies use Fuhjyyu caps, they will last for about the warranty period then they bulge and go bad... I have a bunch beside me in my cube from my Antec True 430...

I can provide links to dead Antecs if you'd like..
had same motherboard do the same thing .. bulging or leaky caps means its time to replace the mobo ... :(

Like above i had exact same motherboard do the exact same thing. Theres no way in the world its your PSU. I'd look into getting a new motherboard
MD_Willington said:
Does the orange crap look like this?


Antec power supplies use Fuhjyyu caps, they will last for about the warranty period then they bulge and go bad... I have a bunch beside me in my cube from my Antec True 430...

I can provide links to dead Antecs if you'd like..

yeah, the mobo looks exactly like that. I'm thinking its gotta be the mobo. After searching it appears that many boards during that time ended up having problems w/ leaky capacitors. Looks like I'll have to bust out the soldering iron, or buy a new board.