League of Legends -- how many [H] regulars?

Lots of fun guys, at one point we had 10 people in the [H]ard chat channel :)

I found out about the chat before joining this site

For those interested in adding me, I'm ThatOneTroll, just like the SN here.
List updated in previous post.

Here's the official LoL user list. Also, for good measure, add when you typically play and what skill level you are (since I upset someone last night because he thought I was a pro when I was really a noob).

[H] Username - LoL tag - Skill - Times you play (most often)

kabob983 - ikabobi - beginner - Early evening, weekends
J Macker - JMacker - intermediate (level 30) - 7-9pm PST
Fail - HellsThunder - beginner - late night CST
Samson4EiT - Nekronic - intermediate (level 25) - Time varies, later evening/night, weekends
riddleofsteel - GreyMagus - newbie - EST all weekends and most week nights
Superfly3176 - Superfly3176 - Good - 1230am est to about 430/5am
game looks great at 6300 by 1920. have to lock the camera though. brother made me install.
Posted via Mobile Device
Can I get some Renekton pointer? I'm not doing well with him at all. I'm used to gangplank and heimer, a little Chogath, but this dude is waaaay different.
look up guides at leaguecraft.com and mobafire

i like the mobafire guides more for some reason
Yeah I definitely prefer mobafire over leaguecraft so far also. Can't really help you out with Renekton, haven't ever used him.
Had tons of fun yesterday. The only low point was having a random non-[H] team mate steal tons of my kills.
Yeah it was great man

the tutorial is especially what helps you learn the game, i went through it twice.
My id is: Falleng0d if anyone wants to add me.

I am westcoast / beginner.

When do they reset the heroes for this game anyways? Mondays? I am bored of the defaults atm. :p
added you

they reset once a week

just buy the collector's pack and you get 20 heroes + 10 RP and you can buy one other hero witht hat many points
It's a team game, there's no such thing as kill-stealing. Get over being selfish.

You are very very mistaken. Kill stealing is in the game and when it happens it CAN affect things.

Everytime you get a kill it gives you gold, even more depending on how well that enemy champion was going. This gold can be up to over 1k gold and can greatly change how well someone can become in the game.

This is why "feeding" (you or the enemy team) is something that can greatly affect the game.

If you are playing a carry, and you keep getting kills that are yours ( IE you've did almost all the damage to someone, ulted them/ignited and then someone comes in and last hits them) that can be a LOT of gold that you will now not get, which affects the potential for items to equip yourself.

There are hard carries in the game that can have their potential greatly diminished if they constantly get kill stealed and can't afford the items they would usually need/depend on for later in the game. This also greatly affects stacking items (soulstealer, sword of the ocoult, etc) which give you stat bonuses for kills (+2) vs assists (+1).

Getitng kills is MUCH more important for carries then other characters. If I'm playing a tank and a carry gets my kill, I don't care because he can use the gold more. However if I'm playing a carry and I have stacking items and someone kill steals from me? You can bet it will annoy me, especially if it keeps happening.

Kill stealing is looked down upon by most people, yes it's a team game but when you blatantly do it (IE Not in a huge AOE team fight,w here no one can really tell sometimes) to a carry it will not only annoy them but your team mates, especially if you are a tank/support and are stealing from a carry that is dependent on getting somewhat fed.
Yes, it is bad to consistently steal kills from a carry as a tank/support, but also keep in mind that if someone last hits a guy that you've done 99% of the work on, that's more gold for the team. I just looked up the info to confirm and from what I saw, the killer always gets 300g + whatever killstreak bonus the guy had on him. Anyone who got an assist splits 70% of the 300g I think. That's not a great explanation, but point being, ksing can be beneficial, though clearly you don't want to take gold away from your carry. You shouldn't spend too much time thinking about this at anything below the higher lvls of play.

Also, it's hard to know that a kill is 100% certain in LoL. So many people use flash, and I've seen some really tricky getaways. Never ever worry about ksing in a team fight, there are just too many variables and the amount of people that get out of a team fight with less than 10% hp is high enough.

I would say that it's reasonable as a non high lvl player, to back off a 1v1 kill if they did 90% of the work already and the kill looks certain. That's mostly just to be polite. Anything beyond that, screw being polite because doing so will get you in trouble more than you'd think.
It's a team game, there's no such thing as kill-stealing. Get over being selfish.

Understood, but if someone is making a point of last hitting enemy champions at every possible opportunity he's holding the rest of his team back.
Yes, it is bad to consistently steal kills from a carry as a tank/support, but also keep in mind that if someone last hits a guy that you've done 99% of the work on, that's more gold for the team. I just looked up the info to confirm and from what I saw, the killer always gets 300g + whatever killstreak bonus the guy had on him. Anyone who got an assist splits 70% of the 300g I think. That's not a great explanation, but point being, ksing can be beneficial, though clearly you don't want to take gold away from your carry. You shouldn't spend too much time thinking about this at anything below the higher lvls of play.

Also, it's hard to know that a kill is 100% certain in LoL. So many people use flash, and I've seen some really tricky getaways. Never ever worry about ksing in a team fight, there are just too many variables and the amount of people that get out of a team fight with less than 10% hp is high enough.

I would say that it's reasonable as a non high lvl player, to back off a 1v1 kill if they did 90% of the work already and the kill looks certain. That's mostly just to be polite. Anything beyond that, screw being polite because doing so will get you in trouble more than you'd think.

my friends always chase after people with a sliver of health while my big dot ult is on them with vlad

they claim they don't see the giant read circle on top of the enemy champions, lol

I was gonna play a few games as Pantheon before work, I just bought him before going to sleep last night, he looks hella fun.
i was just unable to connect, i tried their website it wouldn't load, i was browsing internet fine

fired up HoN and played through the tutorial, LoL is up now for me, playing Pantheon vs AI so I can learn him

Edit: just got done playing him for the first time vs AI, he's a monster i went 15-1

I think i like pantheon, i think he'll be my main hero


omg, wtf . . . lol, this has to be staged http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcRf4vrYktA&feature=fvwrel
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How come the bots AI heroes dont vary more? Some reason for that? It would be much more interesting if the bots wernt always the same heroes...
You can't really judge a hero's strengths from playing AI, they react in a very predictible fashion that your typically opponent will not. What works in AI may even work in the low level games, but I think that once you hit the ranked games you'll find it to be quite a different story.

Example, playing against AI I get tons of kills with Lux's ultimate, but it paints a red stripe on the ground as to where it's going to fire. The AI ignores this and runs in a straight line, in a game against real opponents all they have to do is sidestep said stripe of powah and they'll be fine.

I use playing against AI more for champion familiarization than anything, there's still a ton of heroes I've never used and have no clue what they do.
How come the bots AI heroes dont vary more? Some reason for that? It would be much more interesting if the bots wernt always the same heroes...

I think they'll eventually go on rotation. Looking at my LoL directory it shows bot commands for several heroes (including Pantheon and a few others), I'm sure they'll get used eventually.
Pantheon looks viable against other players, I know the AI bots aren't all that, no kidding, lol.

But Pantheon looks like he was made for ganking

literally every move he does suggests that.

Blade of the Occult ftw.
I rarely see pantheons in ranked these days. I'd say his main strength is how well he can mess up squishies in the laning phase. If you get sword of the occult on him, and do that well, he can be a beast going into the mid game. If you don't do well with him early game, he really goes downhill in strength. I'd say the most frustrating lane combo that I've ever dealt with was panth + ap sion.
It's because the other champions so far are too complicated to code effectively, that's why there's a limited selection. The bots now are just very simple to use. There's a page or forum post on riots page somewhere about it. I'll edit my post when I find it.
Hey I know I haven't been on these forums that long, but I just saw this thread and I wanted to pop in and say hello. I play alot of LOL and I am always looking for decent (as in doesn't rage at his team more so than ends every game 21/3/18) people to play with. I play a wide selection of champs that cover every role and would love to get a good team together. my in game name is Thorokk so send me a friend request if you want to get a team together.
I rarely see pantheons in ranked these days. I'd say his main strength is how well he can mess up squishies in the laning phase. If you get sword of the occult on him, and do that well, he can be a beast going into the mid game. If you don't do well with him early game, he really goes downhill in strength. I'd say the most frustrating lane combo that I've ever dealt with was panth + ap sion.

I do use Sword of the Occult, I just tested him against bots and I like him a lot, I have to say, he's the first LoL champion I've played that feels tailored for me.

He can really end someone really fast once he gets a couple kills and gets the Blade of the Occult stacks going.

I buy the Occult, then I stack BF Swords, once I have 3, change them to Bloodthirsters.
I enjoy this game but was just matched with a total idiot. He thought we were losing because they had 10 more champion kills than us when we only had 2 of turrets down and they were missing all 6 and we were pushing base.

It really seems like people forget how to actually win the game and just mindlessly get into team fights for kills. I've even seen people stand around after a team fight not sure what to do.
I do use Sword of the Occult, I just tested him against bots and I like him a lot, I have to say, he's the first LoL champion I've played that feels tailored for me.

He can really end someone really fast once he gets a couple kills and gets the Blade of the Occult stacks going.

I buy the Occult, then I stack BF Swords, once I have 3, change them to Bloodthirsters.

I don't really like the glass-cannon Pantheon, but you definitely need to incorporate some decent armor-pen into your build.
The game is far, far more enjoyable now that I'm playing occasionally with [H] members. Gone from about 40% wins 60% losses to 75% wins 25% losses since playing with you guys... and I'm a level 19 regularly playing with 30s now. Not saying I'm good at all -- I'm definitely getting carried more often than not -- but I don't feel useless or abandoned nearly as often.
Hey I know I haven't been on these forums that long, but I just saw this thread and I wanted to pop in and say hello. I play alot of LOL and I am always looking for decent (as in doesn't rage at his team more so than ends every game 21/3/18) people to play with. I play a wide selection of champs that cover every role and would love to get a good team together. my in game name is Thorokk so send me a friend request if you want to get a team together.

Welcome, we've got a wide range of skill levels from noobs like myself to guys with hundreds of wins under their belt. I'm pretty casual but am loving the game.

Send out friend requests and make sure you join the chat channel [H]ard!

I enjoy this game but was just matched with a total idiot. He thought we were losing because they had 10 more champion kills than us when we only had 2 of turrets down and they were missing all 6 and we were pushing base.

It really seems like people forget how to actually win the game and just mindlessly get into team fights for kills. I've even seen people stand around after a team fight not sure what to do.

Similar to the guy who rages at everyone because they're not killing as many champions as he is.
Similar to the guy who rages at everyone because they're not killing as many champions as he is.

That's my favorite kind of idiot, and one I run in to often.

The guys that have played with me here will tell you, I play kind of "crazy" and tend to get killed a lot (no stack books or occult sword for me) but I push towers hard. Towers win games. Also, since I rarely get a big kill streak up, I'm not worth much money when they take me down. ;)

Needless to say my numbers don't always look so hot -- last night for example I went like 4/10/7. Not terrible but far from great. Thing is, I was helping keep both side lanes clear (not letting the minions get too far past mid point toward our side) and I pushed 4 towers, 2 solo, 2 with a good bit of help. You guys, not being idiots, were never mad at me for getting killed, and we won. Handily.

Go team [H].
My win ratio goes up considerably when I queue with the [H] crew, and my stress level goes down considerably. It's a win-win.
I play a little here and there, i feel i'm pretty decent, I seem to play better as support and off-tank champs primarily nasus and taric for now but feel free to add me

ToyCack - Level 25, beginner, usually on most evenings.
That's my favorite kind of idiot, and one I run in to often.

The guys that have played with me here will tell you, I play kind of "crazy" and tend to get killed a lot (no stack books or occult sword for me) but I push towers hard. Towers win games. Also, since I rarely get a big kill streak up, I'm not worth much money when they take me down. ;)

Needless to say my numbers don't always look so hot -- last night for example I went like 4/10/7. Not terrible but far from great. Thing is, I was helping keep both side lanes clear (not letting the minions get too far past mid point toward our side) and I pushed 4 towers, 2 solo, 2 with a good bit of help. You guys, not being idiots, were never mad at me for getting killed, and we won. Handily.

Go team [H].

Woot! Yeah, with a good team who realizes that different people/champions have different functions, the whole operation is MUCH more smooth.

My win ratio goes up considerably when I queue with the [H] crew, and my stress level goes down considerably. It's a win-win.

Just wish I could actually play a game with you all! :p

I play a little here and there, i feel i'm pretty decent, I seem to play better as support and off-tank champs primarily nasus and taric for now but feel free to add me

ToyCack - Level 25, beginner, usually on most evenings.

Welcome to the partay! Join the [H]ard chat room!
That's my favorite kind of idiot, and one I run in to often.

The guys that have played with me here will tell you, I play kind of "crazy" and tend to get killed a lot (no stack books or occult sword for me) but I push towers hard. Towers win games. Also, since I rarely get a big kill streak up, I'm not worth much money when they take me down. ;)

Needless to say my numbers don't always look so hot -- last night for example I went like 4/10/7. Not terrible but far from great. Thing is, I was helping keep both side lanes clear (not letting the minions get too far past mid point toward our side) and I pushed 4 towers, 2 solo, 2 with a good bit of help. You guys, not being idiots, were never mad at me for getting killed, and we won. Handily.

"Crazy" and "dying a lot" are usually a bad combo no matter what you're trying to do. Every time you die, it just makes it that much harder for your team.

In the grand scheme of things pushing towers and taking over their base is the main objective but the outcome of the game is generally determined by which team has a bigger exp/gold lead (until it gets really late game where 1 wipe can result in pushing a lane all the way in + take the nexus).

There's really no excuse to ever die 10 times unless it's some non-standard 70 min game where you're constantly defending your base and die a bunch of times.

It's usually not worth trading your life for a tower 1:1 unless it's a base tower. It's ok to solo towers. If no one is doing anything productive and you think there's a very high chance you'll take a tower out by yourself without dying then by all means go for it. Split pushing 4:1 is also good if you guys plan it out beforehand.

Randomly pushing a lane and trying to take a tower while your team is losing a 4v5 fight (which could result in you guys losing 2 towers) is just hurting your team. If you're coasting through the game and winning by a large margin by doing what you said then there's a very good chance they would have won the game 4v5.

I'm not trying to pick on you btw, just stating facts. If you're that dude who's going 3/11 who suicides towers you will get raged at pretty hard once you get into middle tier ELO games. That type of strategy just doesn't work because those deaths add up really fast. Nothing is worse than an intelligent carry on the other team making sure he follows you around to exploit your mistakes and then winds up being 7/1 by 25 minutes and proceeds to roll your team in every fight.
I'm going to give Teemo a try today. I'll be practicing first as much as I can since a character like Teemo is outside of my comfort zone, haha.
I just tried Gangplank, I about broke even with him, he doesn't seem to scale very well late game.
Randomly pushing a lane and trying to take a tower while your team is losing a 4v5 fight (which could result in you guys losing 2 towers) is just hurting your team. If you're coasting through the game and winning by a large margin by doing what you said then there's a very good chance they would have won the game 4v5.

There have been plenty of games where 4 of my team are fighting 5 of their team while I am on a side pushing a lane, destroying towers. Worst case scenario that I have seen occur from this is they survive the team fight by a couple of members, see that I am either breathing down their base or very close to it, come kill me, and have to push the lane back towards us. By this time my team has rezzed and the cycle can continue.

I really don't see this as a bad strategy especially late game when everyone is maxed on experience and gold already. The best way to make them play defense is to play offense.

I just tried Gangplank, I about broke even with him, he doesn't seem to scale very well late game.

Yea I tried him too after being constantly three shot with by him in a game and wasn't too impressed. Had me thinking the guy using him must have been using an on use item as well because I swear I thought he was a ranged character as he never meleed me for the kills. I did appreciate his ultimate being used anywhere though, I kept an eye on the map and looked for opportunities for finishing off enemies the rest of my team had weakened.