League of Legends -- how many [H] regulars?

From what I understand one of the reasons for this "mode" is to force people into learning new champions. When everyone has a random champion it forces you to learn how to play that champion pretty quickly. So far Proving Grounds(ARAM) is just a customs game so no IP or XP for it. I don't think that has changed yet?
You still get some IP for custom games, just not much. And I really enjoy AR on PG. It's been in live since the patch before Jayce so about 2 weeks and I've been playing it quite a bit. So far my favorite has been AD karma. I like it because it's fresh and you kind of fall into different roles that champs might not easily fit into. One of the strategies I usually employ is just go tanky (start 2 health regrowth into FoN then FH depending on their comp) and just be annoying. Had over 8k in gold on one match where I just wouldn't die. It's nice when there are no AD carries or AP mages and it's just a bunch of bruisers, such a cluster. Also, teams with multiple grabs/repositioning skills (Blitz, singed, voli, ali, etc.) are hilarious. Had a game with blitz, singed and voli and it would go blitz grab into singed toss into voli flip into tower death. Good times if you don't take it serious.
Haven't been playing for to long but I find this game really frustrating sometimes but incredibly addicting. Seems like all the new champs are OP so everybody buys them then they nerf them after a bit lol. Not bad for a F2P game, I haven't spent any money on this game so it's no big deal.
I am still playing, but it's same-'ol-some-'ol... win 6 lose 6 win 6 lose 6 as your rating see-saws.

ARAB has been a nice break for me and my buddies in 2v2.
Not so sure I like the re-work on one of my fave champs in Katarina...

Have yet to try it, but I hope it works out for the better.
Not so sure I like the re-work on one of my fave champs in Katarina...

Have yet to try it, but I hope it works out for the better.

From the sounds of it, it should work out just fine!

Same ult damage in half the time? There will be no running away from that.

Also--why the fuck did they buff garen? Ugh. Now i get to lose to AD garen in most 3's match.
Haven't been playing for to long but I find this game really frustrating sometimes but incredibly addicting. Seems like all the new champs are OP so everybody buys them then they nerf them after a bit lol. Not bad for a F2P game, I haven't spent any money on this game so it's no big deal.

You just lose time, not money, with new champions, such as Zyra. That was actually the first champ I got on release day (I knew better, but anyways) and had been practicing quite a bit, and then the nerf hammer struck. Lost interest, and now back to other older champs. They should have all those stats calculated and tested before release, yet like clockwork they release then nerf 2 weeks or so later, and pump up older champs to stand up to the newer ones when they release skins for them (ie: chogath).
Becaues if you played Garen you'd know.

Early game lane dmg is strong, but late game you become quite useless, he just fell off hard unless he got absurdly fed/farmed.

There are counters to garen, among the best are:

Nid (especially AD nid)
Lee Sin

All can counter him quite well.
late game garen just turns into a no damage unkillable tank.. so it was high time he was changed.

You just lose time, not money, with new champions, such as Zyra. That was actually the first champ I got on release day (I knew better, but anyways) and had been practicing quite a bit, and then the nerf hammer struck. Lost interest, and now back to other older champs. They should have all those stats calculated and tested before release, yet like clockwork they release then nerf 2 weeks or so later, and pump up older champs to stand up to the newer ones when they release skins for them (ie: chogath).

funny thing is zyra's nerfs didn't really change her much. but typical riot they nerf everything that isn't op to justify why the op ability a champ has is op.. her ulti is the one thing that needs to be changed but riot will never change it. everything else on her is perfectly fine.

btw the zyra that you currently see in game IS the zyra from the PBE.. the zyra that was released originally was insanely buffed the days leading up to being released on the main client. none of those changes were ever tested on the PBE client before hand. we had been saying from day 1 of her being on PBE that her ultimate was broken as fuck and that the damage output made absolutely no sense. but riot came up with useless arguments for why her ulti was that way which made absolutely no sense at all since we all pretty much came to the same conclusion of how her ulti should of been done and it was no different from the other 5 champs that have a very similar ulti to hers.

the general consensus as far as all the people on PBE came up with was that her ulti should do some where between 40-50% of its damage instantly(instead of 100% damage instantly which makes the rest of her ulti completely useless) and that there should be a damage percentage the length of time you stand on her ulti then the final 20-30% of the damage done if you get knocked up.. riot flat out said this wasn't possible.. yet nunu's ulti does exactly that minus the knock up so how the fuck is that not possible?
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Becaues if you played Garen you'd know.

Early game lane dmg is strong, but late game you become quite useless, he just fell off hard unless he got absurdly fed/farmed.

There are counters to garen, among the best are:

Nid (especially AD nid)
Lee Sin

All can counter him quite well.

Except now garen is just as beefy early game but does way more damage because he can simply build AD.

late game garen just turns into a no damage unkillable tank.. so it was high time he was changed.

oh you mean like shen? I'm bitter about shen because they fixed him, and then promptly broke him again, the fuckin' idiots.

its not that they can't code.. its that its their way or the highway.. no one elses opinion matters.

I think it's less this, and more than riot has had LoL on 'farm status' for a long while now.
Except now garen is just as beefy early game but does way more damage because he can simply build AD.


Garen's that build straight up ad builds with no beef or armor can be easiyl focused. It's just so many people don't see/want to do this.

Seriously, if they go straight ad with no mr/ad a quick cc on garen and focus will drop him fast.

I used to build atmogs on garen, but after th enerfs and things I went more ad. I find going BF sword, then going into phage/frozen mallet , finishing bf into IE and then atma's gives garen good beefy/tankiness and dmg to boot, but of course you throw in things you might need, banshee's if an ap is fed, more armor for a fed carry (thronmail), or GA for all around things.
Anyone still play this regularly or has everyone moved over to Dota 2.

HoN is nothing but trolls and smurfs it seems, looking for a new game and would like to have good friends list to team up with.
I'm still there, but part time now. Look up the "[H]ard" channel, still the odd person there on & off.

PUGs have mostly been especially awful lately.
Still playing a couple games a week, less since I switched from PC to Mac, just haven't had time recently.

Took me some time, but I figured out the re-work for Kat, I guess it adds more variety to her play, but I still prefer old Kat.
I still play it as well from time to time.
I was playing it daily but since Assassins creed 3/hitman came out I haven't played it as much th epast week or so.

Add me to your friends list if you want, Stiler is my name on there.
I have actually been ramping up with LoL lately. It isn't even my type of game but I had 4 other friends who play enough to make it really fun.
I have actually been ramping up with LoL lately. It isn't even my type of game but I had 4 other friends who play enough to make it really fun.

^ this

Sometimes it's not so much the game itself but that you have a community of friends to play with and have a ton of fun
League to me.. is awesome.. I remember starting when it first came out and showing it to like 20 of my friends and they all laughed.. I reckon every single one of them has over 1k wins now and are major hooked LOL
^ this

Sometimes it's not so much the game itself but that you have a community of friends to play with and have a ton of fun

I think there are a lot of things that add to LoL's success. The fact that it was free, it has a ton of options for chars to play, they try their best to balance the chars and the players, and most of all, it is bright and colorful. The last might sound a little trite, but I can't tell you how many people have said they can't play HoN or DotA because they are so dark and depressing. It also helps that they have the large competitions and streams of events as well.

I find myself continually coming back to league because it is fairly quick and easy to get into games, find friends to play with and generally just have fun, even when losing.
As silly add it sounds, I agree on the colours. Might as well be bright if you are starting at it for do long.

Now a destructible environment as in DOTA 2 would be good. Or if Dota 2 had a local option to brighten it up a bit.

Similar to pyrovision our something...
I took a look at HoN's characters, wasn't particularly impressed.

I keep hearing about DoTA 2, but is this game still in beta or something?
That's one of my biggest complaints about it (the community being the other). If you have just been playing SR you might try out Dominion and Twisted Tree, they usually don't turn into hour long slog fests. You might also look in the custom games for ARAM games on proving grounds. Those usually don't last more than 20 or 25 and get rid of the laning phases of the game and just do straight team fights.
I have officially uninstalled LoL, sorry guys, got sick of little kids!
I took a look at HoN's characters, wasn't particularly impressed.

I keep hearing about DoTA 2, but is this game still in beta or something?

Dota 2 is still in "beta", but it's hardly the kind of beta you are thinking of. Just look at the steam stats, the game just broke the concurrent player record with something like 260,000 players on at once. You can pick up an invite for free since people are given them like candy.
That's one of my biggest complaints about it (the community being the other). If you have just been playing SR you might try out Dominion and Twisted Tree, they usually don't turn into hour long slog fests. You might also look in the custom games for ARAM games on proving grounds. Those usually don't last more than 20 or 25 and get rid of the laning phases of the game and just do straight team fights.

I've all but stopped playing regular games, but still like to PvP with my roommates... so we end up doing 1v1 Randoms on Proving grounds.

In a lot of cases, it really brings out the imbalance of the game.

Also, why the hell did they they create an item for Renekton, and then delete it? Such a fucking tease, riot!!
i got the Dota2 key but got LoL installed again and may start playing it...any good clans, groups or communities to join to play over teamspeak or something vs random servers with annoying people?
I really hate the imbalance of the player base. One game you are playing with highly skilled players who are also really nice to boot and the next you have one guy cursing everytime he gets killed, one who keeps timing out, and 2 others that are around lvl 10 but play like lvl 1 players.

I might try Dota2 if it's better than this.
I really hate the imbalance of the champions.

I also don't understand why they completely removed the old twisted treeline instead of just adding this new twisted treeline but named something else. Makes no sense. They could have four maps right now.

Also, teemo is so fucking OP on the new twisted treeline.. they really messed up balance with the latest patches. Armor is now worthless (due to % armor pen calculating first), and you can't even buy a thornmail against op AD carries.

And wards. Give us back fuckin wards, riot!
Technically there are 4 maps, summoners rift, twisted treeline, crystal star and proving grounds. And teemo will be OP on any map that is narrow without multiple paths as he has the strongest trap. I do agree that armor is too weak right now but I do like that health is the best defensive stat at the moment.
Warmogs is the way to go right now.

Solo queue is really luck, new system seems very polarized to me. Either you get a REALLY good team and steamroll the game, or a REALLY bad team and get wiped. Haven't seen a middle ground since the change.
Warmogs is the way to go right now.

Solo queue is really luck, new system seems very polarized to me. Either you get a REALLY good team and steamroll the game, or a REALLY bad team and get wiped. Haven't seen a middle ground since the change.

Too bad they also removed warmogs from the 3's map.. rabble.

Also, that's been my experience as well. Very infrequently do you actually have games that feel balanced.
this just happened to me, got 2 guys and me in 3vs3 and they surrendered and we won, next game we got our butt's steam rolled, picked up and steam rolled again!
~ New champions are often overpowered so people will spend $10 on them.
~ Lag problems which have existed since day one have not gone away.
~ Major, major balancing issues.
~ HON community has fully adopted the game now. Player base is the really bottom rung of the gaming community. Pro tip: /ignore everyone your playing with.
~ Incredibly broken matchmaker system.

Riot is by far on the top of my shit list.