Leadtek 6800GT bad card or PS?

Ion Silverbolt

Limp Gawd
Sep 17, 2004
Ok, I just recieved my 6800GT and installed it However, when the screen comes up, I get weird foriegn characters on the screen as well as lines. I even get it in CMOS. Anyway I swapped it back out and flashed my motherboard BIOS but it had no effect. The card was using a clean rail and i'm using an Enermax 400W PS. Could it be EMI causing the problem? My previous card is a 5950 and it works fine.

Anyway, I was wondering what you guys thought it might be. I'd hate to get another power supply and then still have the same problem. Thanks.
Oh yeah, my specs:

EPoX 8KRDA3+ (Latest BIOS)
3200+ Barton (Stock Speed)
1 GB Muskin 2-2-2
WD 100GB hard drive.
DVD-R Drive
i have the same card and it runs without problems with my "old" enermex 360w ps ... so i think you have get a bad card ...