KT333 x Sempron...

well if it doesn't work in the first place, it won't overclock too well :p

also, if you want to overclock, your best bet is a mobile athlon xp. the socketA semprons are lame ;)

It will work out of the box without a BIOS update.

Depending on the BIOS revision you are using it may not identify the processor correctly (i.e. it will display "unknown processor"). The latest BIOS update fixes this.

Good motherboard. Its too bad Shuttle got out of the motheboard business. IIRC, the Semprons are multiplier locked. The AK35gt2 clock generator is capable of high FSB speeds, however, since it only has a 1/5 PCI divider, you don't want to stray too much beyond 166fsb or you will be running your PCI/AGP cards out of spec. I ran 173fsb with my Tbred 1700+ for 2 years. Overclocking a Sempron on this motherboard is a limited venture.
So can you run processors on a motherboard that are not in the supported CPU list according to the motherboard manufactor? Meaning if I have a KT333 board and it only supports up to xp2500 could I get a mobile 2800 or even a sempron and it would work?
roaf85 said:
So can you run processors on a motherboard that are not in the supported CPU list according to the motherboard manufactor? Meaning if I have a KT333 board and it only supports up to xp2500 could I get a mobile 2800 or even a sempron and it would work?

It will work. The Semprons are just 333fsb Thoroughbred Athlon XPs with the exception of the 3000+ which is Barton based. The AK35gt2 will support any 200/266/333 FSB socket A processor. If you install a mobile, you will be limited to multiplers 12.5 and less.

The AK35gt2 will not correctly identify the Sempron processors without the latest BIOS revision, but this just a very minor annoyance and will not affect performance.


I ran a rare 333fsb 3200+ Athlon XP in my AK35gt2, Just because Shuttles support list, which is grossly outdated, does not list a particular processor means that particular processor will not work.
I ran my mobile Barton on my Epox 8K3A+ (also KT333) for several months. It ran great at 209x11. Yes, it only has a 1/5 divisor, my PCI bus was close to 42. But I never had a problem because of it. Anything over 209, my CDRW wouldn't burn correctly. I don't think you can go this high with an ATI video card though, they don't seem to tolerate out of spec AGP as well as Nvidia.