Krylon's "fusion" paint - anyone tried it?


[H]F Junkie
May 28, 2001
I'm in the processs of modding an Antec SX-1240 (monster case) to use as a raffle prize for my LAN group (raising money for a couple more switches) and now that I've picked a color scheme, I remember the times I've painted the front bezel on cases and have tried several things to get color on plastic.

I've tried vinyl die from auto stores, and it works well - but when I was down at my local Fred Meyer (wife workst there, get a discount :) ) - I noticed that Krylon has a line of spray paint called "FUSION" that is, according to thier informaiton, bond to plastic.

Has anyone given it a try? If so, what's your reaction? If not, I'm willing to be the guinea pig and let you all know... :)

heh - i even searched and missed that thread.


/runs off to buy some fusion paint.....
Its good stuff. Works just as well on metal. It does cost a bit more than regular spray paint, and took quite a while to fully dry (for me anyways).
I used it on some of that textured plastic that rubbermaid uses on thier trashcans. Really sunk into it, doesnt even feel like it is a layer on top, but rather part of the plastic. Dried really fast on lids, but took a little longer on the shiny can part.
do they make a color that will blend with aluminum? im getting a lian li aluminum case and wanna paint the front of my drives so they match the case.
I've used Fusions a couple of times. You can tell it's a paint, and as such, it's not quite as foolproof as dye. It's still susceptable to runs and fingerprints and the like. It goes on much more evenly than traditional spraypaint, though. And the finish it leaves when it's all dry is pretty durable. I've only used it on plastic, so I can't comment on how well it works for other applications. It comes in a lot more color choices than you're likely to find with dye. If you can find the right color dye, I'd use that instead, but Fusion isn't a bad option.
I used it as a primer/base for regular spray paint. It was awesome for that, and I got to use the color I wanted that Fusion didn't offer.
One word of caution, and this is from expirence. I'm in the process of painting my case finally, and used fusion to paint my keyboard and mouse black. Well..... it came out good on my mouse, but my keyboard I really borked up good. First, I should have let it dry for 24 hours but no spare keyboard to use, so had to use it and put prints into the material. No problem I thought, a little rubbing compound and out they come. WRONG!!! It really fubar'd the finish. Im going to break my keyboard apart again, sand it down and repaint it.
Tanis143 said:
One word of caution, and this is from expirence. I'm in the process of painting my case finally, and used fusion to paint my keyboard and mouse black. Well..... it came out good on my mouse, but my keyboard I really borked up good. First, I should have let it dry for 24 hours but no spare keyboard to use, so had to use it and put prints into the material. No problem I thought, a little rubbing compound and out they come. WRONG!!! It really fubar'd the finish. Im going to break my keyboard apart again, sand it down and repaint it.
what kind of keyboard?... if its cheap, why not save time and buy a new one?