Kinda new to OC'n..need some advice


Limp Gawd
Jul 1, 2004
Ok , i bought this setup because I was told by one of my friends that it was made for oc'n

A64 3000+ Winny @ 2.12 ghz (right now) from 1.8
G.Skill 2x512 TCCD Dual Channel PC4400
MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum w/ Thermalright XP-120
Many case fans...but cool enough at night

Anyways , I've tried OC'n a little bit but it just doesn't seem to be working out for me in the least bit. I've seen people at 34-3500+ Speeds on air and im getting jealous =P

If anyone could help me out that would be awesome , I wanna get goin on this beast.
Also need to remember that just because someone else can get massive OC. THat doesnt mean you will get the same or any resluts. As long as it works at factory specs you got what you paid for.
no, you paid for a 1.8ghz chip. if amd was certain the chip could run faster, it would have been sold as a faster chip.
skinegibbs said:
I paid for an OC'able chip , thats why i didnt get a 3500.

You paid for a chip capable of running @ 1.8ghz. Don't ever forget that. Being able to overclock to a faster speed isn't a right, but a matter of luck.

That said, any half decent overclocker out there will tell you your mileage will vary.
You're mileage my vary... :)

They're right. Processors are like a box of chocolates.. You never know whatcha gonna get.

Ok ok, that was lame I know. But it's the truth.
skinegibbs said:
I paid for an OC'able chip , thats why i didnt get a 3500.

Well stock 3500+ speeds are 2.2, so you got what you asked for. And a 3500+ is quite an OC'able chip also. I've got mine up to 2.64 from 2.2. That seems like a nice OC to me... Also if you are going to ask for help on something you should really provide some info on what you've done so far. What temperatures are you at, what voltage are you using, what FSB, etc etc etc.

ShepsCrook said:
You're mileage my vary... :)

They're right. Processors are like a box of chocolates.. You never know whatcha gonna get.

Ok ok, that was lame I know. But it's the truth.

And I'm a bit confused how you "paid" for an overclocking chip....did you buy it from someonoe who used it previously and got an insane overclock on it and paid a premium for it? Because if not, you actually paid LESS for a chip that's slower, which has the ability (if luck is on your side) to overclock well, because the cheaper components usually have the most headroom over the stock speed. But headroom over stock doesn't guarentee the same clock speed as say, a 3500+ or 3800+ overclocked.

Also, try giving my guide a read....the link's in my sig, but my personal advertiser known as scott77 beat me to that :p
tsuehpsyde said:
Also, try giving my guide a read....the link's in my sig, but my personal advertiser known as scott77 beat me to that :p

LOL! Well if it were stickied I probably wouldn't have to! :p

*cough* Mods... *cough*