Keep my Dell 2005FPW or upgrade?


Mar 28, 2004
I've had my Dell 2005FPW for a couple years now and have some cash to spend. The monitor still works great but has some burn-in from when I was addicted to WoW back in college (you can see the burn-in of the action bars on the bottom and sides - yes, I played that game way too often :D). Now that I'm working full/over-time, I got the money but no time to spend it so I find myself back to playing FPS' and RTS'.

The 2005FPW, while great for desktop and RPGs, has considerable ghosting when playing FPS'. I used to play CS competitively so my eyes are extremely finicky when it comes to monitor refresh rate. I know there are some reports stating that the human eye cannot tell the difference between 30fps and 100, but I always noticed a difference between 85hz refresh rate and 100hz on my old Trinitron CRT.

My question is, has LCD technology advanced enough in the past three years since I last bought my Dell 2005FPW to warrant an upgrade? I know there are some 2ms response panels out there but I haven't had a chance to test them. Budget isn't a problem but I'd like to keep the screen around 20-24" as I sit relatively close. Also, are there any upcoming panels worth waiting for? Thanks guys!
A panel with 2ms response is going to be a disappointment after using the S-IPS panel in the 2005fwp for so long. You might want to consider upgrading to a 2007wfp, the newer (but not newest) version of Dell's 20'' ultrasharp monitor. It should be faster and (in my opinion) quite a bit more attractive to look at.

Is it worth upgrading? I would say so. The 2005 is an old monitor, and if you're noticing the burn in, then it probably bothers you. Read the posts here and read reviews for monitors that interest you, and try it out. I have had a couple of 2005's and I've always found them ugly, but the image quality fantastic.
I recently upgraded from two 2005fpw to a 3007fpw. If you are not wanting to go bigger, I would say it is not worth it to upgrade. Don't get me wrong, I think the 3007fpw has much better picture quality, but I upgraded mainly because I wanted something bigger. I would go with a 2407fpw if I were you. I think I saw someone mention around here that it has been discounted quite a bit recently. More resolution is almost always better.