K8N Neo AGP lock at 66mhz or 67mhz???


Mar 21, 2003
I have heard since I bought the K8N Neo Platinum that in order to lock the AGP bus, it had to be set to 67mhz in the bios and not 66.

I know 66 is the exact speed for the AGP bus, and I have heard that in newer bioses this issue has been fixed and the lock indeed does work at 66 now.

Can anybody confirm this for sure for me???
Actually it does make a difference when you want to run your AGP exactly in spec at 66mhz because if not your videocard's Fastwrites get screwy at anything other than the 66mhz AGP spec!!!
Well, on my Neo2 939 board i can set it at 66 and its fine @ 250FSB. If that wasnt locked id be getting all sorts of issues.
when i had my K8N neo i had it at 67mhz pcper forums has a good tutorial on OCing on that board.
Early BIOS's the lock was set @ 67mhz
Newer BIOS's the lock is set @ 66mhz

Best place to check for details is the MSI forums
goto the MSI homepage and lookaround for the link, i havenot been there in a while
I can now verify this as well. I used Clockgen and when set to either 66 or 67, the AGP and PCI buses stayed at the selected speed. Finally, true 66 lock!