Just tried the Defcon Demo

Jun 26, 2004
And although find the concept and implementation of the game beautiful I felt this sort of sadness while playing (which seems strange as I don't feel this with other games involving killing/destruction). Maybe it's the impersonality of the gameplay or maybe because I think it could possibly be prophetic for the distant future. Anyone else tried the demo and what do you think?
I feel the exact same thing. I wish more games were able to get across some kind of emotional impact.
Was creepy as hell when I heard the woman crying in the background. Just...creepy.

For some reason the simple text of 1.3 MILLION DEAD popping up here and there made me feel guiltier than the extremely graphic slaughter we can get in other games.
tornadotsunamilife said:
And although find the concept and implementation of the game beautiful I felt this sort of sadness while playing (which seems strange as I don't feel this with other games involving killing/destruction). Maybe it's the impersonality of the gameplay or maybe because I think it could possibly be prophetic for the distant future. Anyone else tried the demo and what do you think?

I got that playing H-L2. Less to do with gameplay, more to do with colour schemes and things.
H-L2 depressed me.
theres a good free flash game out there somewhere like this, its called World Domination. i use to play it for hours.
Tried the demo, it is a very sobering thought to look at the game and realize that what happens there is an all too possible scenario for our current time. The music is so sad.. :(
Albeit sobering, the scenario is all but impossible in the current world. From an infastrcture point of view, Russia is incapable of launching a strategic nuclear attack with any sort of coordination, and thus it would be suicidal for them to attempt to do so.

Also, the number of countries possessing ICBM capabilities is almost nil, and if they do have such capabilities the numbers of said missiles is negligible.

A more realistic unit instead would be a land based rag head with a suitcase dirty bomb for todays world.
You gotta be joking, Silver. There are over a dozen nations with very large arsenals of nuclear weapons...
Risiko said:
You gotta be joking, Silver. There are over a dozen nations with very large arsenals of nuclear weapons...

Don't challenge him, he's got recycled opinionated knowledge on his side!
I just played it and I have to admit it is pretty fun, the music is a bit depressing though.
Dunno what time period the demo's in, but IMO, Cold War MAD is much more..."fun". SS-20s, Peacekeepers/Minutemen, plus massive SAC bombers of the 60s-80s (B-36, -42, -52, etc...these guys were HUGE), nuclear missile subs, etc. Of course, assuming that its set in the current global climate, with the US and Russia being the only two countries with a sizeable/functioning array of long-range ICBMs, it could still be fun, I guess. :)
I didn't say many countries do not have a sizable nuclear arsenal, I said most countries lack an intercontinental delivery system. Read before you argue.
Sorry, we should have known you'd be privy to the workings and status of the nuclear defence programmes of each and any country ;)

I merely said that the scenario of the game was not very plausible? Care to correct me? Pakistan, Iran, India, North Korea, France, the UK, and Israel all have IRBM's maximum currently. China, Russia, and the US possess ICBM's. I include China in this list as they are nearing completion ( or perhaps completed ) their 12,000km DF-41 missile. North Korea and Iran are both working on 12000km counterparts, but have yet to make any significant progress.

About a dozen other countries have nuclear programs in various stages, but hardly any missile development.

Now what do you think? Will these remaining countries attempt to keep up missile wise? That would simply be silly. You will not out-technology the US. Period.

Best bet? Low yield small nukes and hand deliver them, literally, I'm sure many of these countries could find some "volunteers" to drive the van.
SilverSliver said:
I merely said that the scenario of the game was not very plausible? Care to correct me? Pakistan, Iran, India, North Korea, France, the UK, and Israel all have IRBM's maximum currently. China, Russia, and the US possess ICBM's. I include China in this list as they are nearing completion ( or perhaps completed ) their 12,000km DF-41 missile. North Korea and Iran are both working on 12000km counterparts, but have yet to make any significant progress.

About a dozen other countries have nuclear programs in various stages, but hardly any missile development.

Now what do you think? Will these remaining countries attempt to keep up missile wise? That would simply be silly. You will not out-technology the US. Period.

Best bet? Low yield small nukes and hand deliver them, literally, I'm sure many of these countries could find some "volunteers" to drive the van.

This post and the "rag head" comments are implying some rather ugly nationalistic tendencies to me, i'm afraid.